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Recent Awardees

Since 1957, more than 9,200 scholars have held ACLS fellowships and grants. In 2008, awards totaling over $9.3 million were made to 314 US-based and international scholars. ACLS fellowships and grants are awarded to individual scholars for excellence in research in the humanities and related social sciences. The peer-review process used to select ACLS Fellows enables distinguished scholars to reach broad consensus on standards of excellence in humanities research. Particularly at a time of scarce research funding, ACLS is proud to be a major source of support for humanistic scholarship in the United States.

Select a program from the listings below to view recent awardees, project descriptions, and recipient profiles for that program.

ACLS Fellowships 

Charles A. Ryskamp Research Fellowships 

Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars 

ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships 

Andrew W. Mellon/ACLS Early Career Fellowship Program Dissertation Completion Fellowships 

Andrew W. Mellon/ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients 

Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art

Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Grants to Individuals in East and Southeast Asian Archaeology and Early History 

American Research in the Humanities in China

Chinese Fellowships for Scholarly Development 

New Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society 

East European Studies Programs 

ACLS Humanities Program in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine

Contemplative Practice Fellowships (The 2006-2007 competition was the last administered by ACLS. Visit the Center for Contemplative Mind for 2008 recipients.)

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American Council of Learned Societies