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Charles Homer Haskins Prize Lectures

Named for the first chairman of ACLS, the Charles Homer Haskins Prize Lecture has as its theme "A Life of Learning." The lecturer is asked “to reflect on a lifetime of work as a scholar and an institution builder, on the motives, the chance determinations, the satisfactions (and dissatisfactions) of the life of learning, to explore through one’s own life the larger, institutional life of scholarship.” The lecture is delivered at the Annual Meeting and published in the Occasional Paper series. The first decade of lectures (1983-1993) is collected in The Life of Learning (Oxford UP, 1994).


Theodor Meron 

Theodor Meron

Appeals Judge and former president,
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and
Charles L. Denison Professor of Law Emeritus and Judicial Fellow,
New York University Law School
biographical note 


Linda Nochlin 

Linda Nochlin

Lila Acheson Wallace Professor of Modern Art,
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
biographical note



Martin E. Marty

Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus,
Divinity School, University of Chicago
biographical note



Gerda Lerner

Robinson-Edwards Professor of History,
University of Wisconsin, Madison
biographical note 



Peter Gay

Sterling Professor of History,
Yale University
biographical note 


Peter Brown 

Peter Brown

Philip and Beulah Rollins Professor of History,
Princeton University
biographical note 


Henry A. Millon 

Henry A. Millon

Dean Emeritus,
Center for Advanced Study in Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art
biographical note 


Helen Vendler 

Helen Vendler

A. Kingsley Porter University Professor of English and American Literature,
Harvard University
biographical note 


Geoffrey Hartmann 

Geoffrey Hartman

Distinguished Visiting Scholar in English and Judaic Studies,
George Washington University, and
Sterling Professor of English and Comparative Literature Emeritus,
Yale University
biographical note 


Clifford Geertz 

Clifford Geertz

Harold F. Linder Professor of Social Science,
Institute for Advanced Study
biographical note 


Yi-Fu Tuan 

Yi-Fu Tuan

K. Wright Professor and Vilas Professor of Geography,
University of Wisconsin, Madison
biographical note 



Natalie Zemon Davis

Henry Charles Lea Professor of History Emeritus,
Princeton University, and
Northrop Frye Visiting Professor of Literary Theory
University of Toronto
biographical note 



Robert William Fogel

Center for Population Economics, Graduate School of Business, and
Charles R. Walgreen Distinguished Service Professor of American Institutions,
University of Chicago
biographical note 



Phyllis Pray Bober

Leslie Clark Professor Emeritus in the Humanities,
Professor Emeritus of History of Art, and
Professor Emeritus of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology,
Bryn Mawr College
biographical note 



Robert K. Merton

University Professor Emeritus,
Columbia University, and
Foundation Scholar,
Russell Sage Foundation
biographical note 



Annemarie Schimmel

Professor Emerita of Indo-Muslim Culture, Harvard University, and
Honorary Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Bonn
biographical note 



Donald W. Meinig

Maxwell Research Professor of Geography,
Syracuse University
biographical note 



Milton Babbitt

William Shubael Conant Professor Emeritus of Music,
Princeton University
biographical note 



Paul Oskar Kristeller

Frederick J.E. Woodbridge Professor Emeritus of Philosophy,
Columbia University
biographical note 



Judith N. Shklar

John Cowles Professor of Government,
Harvard University
biographical note 



John Hope Franklin

James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of History and Professor of Legal History in the Law School, 
Duke University



Carl E. Schorske

Professor Emeritus of History,
Princeton University



Milton V. Anastos

Professor Emeritus of Byzantine Greek and History,
University of California, Berkeley



Lawrence Stone

Dodge Professor of History,
Princeton University



Mary Rosamond Haas

Professor Linguistics, Emeritus,
University of California, Berkeley

Lecture not published.



Maynard Mack

Sterling Professor English, Emeritus,
Yale University

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Charles Homer Haskins,
first chairman of ACLS

American Council of Learned Societies