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Basic Labor Relations (Paper-Based)

(Course Available After Purchase)$265

Learn about the rights and responsibilities of employees, management, and unions in the federal collective bargaining process. This course is part of the Human Resources Management Certificate, Level 1, program that can be completed entirely through distance education. Equivalent to 40 classroom hours.

In this independent study paper-based course, assistance is available as needed. Take up to six months to complete.
Who Should Attend?
Non-postal federal managers and supervisors and labor relations/human resources specialists. Union officials in federal agencies may also find the course valuable.
Syllabus -- Basic Labor Relations, LABR7051N, Grad. School, USDA


Basic Labor Relations introduces the student to the fundamentals of collective bargaining through both position-based (traditional) and interest-based negotiations. The course also explains the rights and responsibilities of employees, management, and unions in the Federal collective bargaining process.


LESSON 1: Overview

  • History of Unionism in the United States
  • Legal Status of Unions
  • Federal Sector Unions
  • Bilateralism
  • Negotiated Grievance Procedure
  • Third Party Mechanisms
  • Federal Labor Relations Authority
  • Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
  • Federal Service Impasses Panel
  • Office of Personnel Management

LESSON 2: Exclusive Recognition

  • The Bargaining Unit
  • Bargaining Unit Structure
  • Employees Who May Not Be Included
  • Acquiring Exclusive Recognition
  • Petition for Recognition
  • Union Organizing Campaign
  • Notice of Petition for Election
  • Election Agreement
  • Representation Elections
  • Election Guidelines
  • Election Results
  • Certification
  • Decertification Petition
  • The Union

LESSON 3: Collective Bargaining (or Negotiations)

  • Collective Bargaining
  • Scope of Bargaining
  • Concepts Affecting Negotiability
  • Preparation for Bargaining
  • Position-Based Bargaining
  • Interest-Based Bargaining
  • Select Negotiating Teams
  • Set Ground Rules
  • Negotiation Impasses
  • Negotiate Collective Bargaining Agreement Contract

LESSON 4: Living With the Agreement

  • Contract Administration
  • Responsibility for Contract Administration
  • Training Supervisors and Managers
  • Contract Interpretation
  • Language Ambiguities in the Contract
  • Conflicts Between Contract Clauses
  • Conflicts With Law
  • Conflicts With Governmentwide Rules/Regulations
  • Conflicts With Agency Rules/Regulations
  • The Union Steward
  • The Supervisor-Steward Relationship
  • The Steward's Role in Processing a Grievance
  • Exclusive Representative's Right To Be Present at Meetings
  • Labor-Management Cooperation

LESSON 5: Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices

  • Grievances
  • The Negotiated Grievance Procedure
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution of Grievances
  • Unfair Labor Practices
  • Management Unfair Labor Practices
  • Labor Organization Unfair Labor Practices
  • The Unfair Labor Practices Complaint Process
  • Filing a Charge
  • Respondent's Investigation
  • FLRA Regional Director's Investigation
  • FLRA Action
Paper version available upon request.

Course Details
TYPE:  Distance Education
LENGTH:  Up to 6 Month(s)
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