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Historical Materials

Additional materials to come.

ACLS Constitution and By-Laws 
Federal charter granted to ACLS in 1982.

"Remarks on the 75th Anniversary of the ACLS" by Frederick H. Burkhardt. ACLS Newsletter (second series) 4.2 (Summer 1994): 2-3. PDF.
Report of the President, 1986-1997 by Stanley N. Katz. ACLS Occasional Paper No. 38. 1997. HTML. 
American Council of Learned Societies. A Summary Statement of Its Work and Its Plans for A Fiftieth Anniversary Capital Development Program. 1969.

On the National Endowment for the Humanities
Report of the Commission on the Humanities. 1964. PDF.
Report to Congress on the State of the Humanities and the Reauthorization of the National Endowment for the Humanities. 1985. PDF.

"An Historical Perspective of the ACLS American Studies Program, 1961-1986" by Richard W. Downar. ACLS Newsletter 37.1&2 (Winter-Spring 1986): 29-34. PDF.

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See On Our History for background information on these titles.

American Council of Learned Societies