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ACLS Occasional Papers


65. A Life of Learning by Theodor Meron. The 2008 Charles Homer Haskins Prize Lecture. 2008. PDF. 
64. A Life of Learning by Linda Nochlin. The 2007 Charles Homer Haskins Prize Lecture. 2008. PDF. 
63. The Idea and Ideals of the University by Andrew Delbanco, Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Alan Liu, and Catharine R. Stimpson. 2007. PDF. This title is the first ACLS "e-OP," published exclusively in digital format. 
62. A Life of Learning by Martin E. Marty.  The 2006 Charles Homer Prize Haskins Lecture. 2006. PDF. 
61. The Humanities and Its Publics by Ivo Banac, Jean Bethke Elshtain, and Robert Weisbuch. 2006. PDF. 
60. A Life of Learning by Gerda Lerner. The 2005 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 2006. PDF. 
59. Liberal Arts Colleges in American Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities by Kimberly Benston, Mitchell J. Chang, Richard Ekman, Stephen Fix, Mary K. Grant, Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz, Roger T. Kaufman, George D. Kuh, Lucie Lapovsky, Stephen R. Lewis, Robert A. McCaughey, Michael S. McPherson, Michele Tolela Myers, Francis Oakley, David H. Porter, Kenneth P. Ruscio, Morton Owen Schapiro, and Christina Elliott Sorum, with an Introduction by Pauline Yu. 2005. PDF. 
58. A Life of Learning by Peter Gay. The 2004 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 2005. PDF. 
57. Crises and Opportunities: The Futures of Scholarly Publishing by Carlos J. Alonso, Cathy N. Davidson, John M. Unsworth, and Lynne Withey. 2004. PDF. 
56. Internationalization: Rhetoric or Reality? by Sheila Biddle. 2003. PDF. 
55. A Life of Learning by Peter Brown. The 2003 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 2003. PDF. 
54. A Life of Learning by Henry A. Millon. The 2002 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 2003. PDF. 
53. John H. D'Arms: His Achievements, Our Future Course by Nancy Cantor, W. Robert Connor, Barbara DeConcini, Patricia Nelson Limerick, and Neil Rudenstine. 2003. HTML.
52. Towards a History of the Literary Cultures in East-Central Europe: Theoretical Reflections by Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. 2003. PDF. 
51. East European Constitutionalism Teacher-Training Project. Final Report: "Assumptions and Lessons Learned". 2002. PDF. 
50. A Life of Learning by Helen Vendler. The 2001 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 2002. PDF.
49. The Marketplace of Ideas by Louis Menand. 2001. HTML.
48. Collectors, Collections, and Scholarly Culture by Anthony Grafton, Deanna Marcum, and Jean Strouse, with Introduction by Neil Harris. 2001. HTML.
47. The Humanities and The Sciences by Jerome Friedman, Peter Galison, and Susan Haack, with Introduction by Billy E. Frye. 2000. HTML.
46. A Life of Learning by Geoffrey Hartman.  The 2000 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 2000. PDF.
45. A Life of Learning by Clifford Geertz. The 1999 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1999. PDF.
44. The Humanist on Campus: Continuity and Change by Denis Donoghue, Lynn Hunt, Lucius Outlaw, Judith Shapiro, and Robert Weisbuch. 1998. HTML.
43. Wave of the Present: The Scholarly Journal on the Edge of the Internet by Christopher L. Tomlins. 1998. HTML.
42. A Life of Learning by Yi-Fu Tuan. The 1998 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1998. PDF.
41. Computing and the Humanities: Summary of a Roundtable Meeting. 1998. HTML.
40. The Transformation of Humanistic Studies in the Twenty-first Century: Opportunities and Perils by Thomas Bender, Stanley Chodorow, and Pauline Yu. 1997. HTML.
39. A Life of Learning by Natalie Zemon Davis. The 1997 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1997. PDF.
38. Report of the President, 1986-1997 by Stanley N. Katz. 1997. HTML.
37. Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges—The United States Focus by Pamela Pavliscak, Seamus Ross, and Charles Henry. 1997. HTML.
36. New Connections for Scholars: The Changing Missions of a Learned Society in an Era of Digital Networks by Douglas C. Bennett. 1997. HTML.
35. Collaborative Historiography: A Comparative Literary History of Latin America by Linda Hutcheon, Djelal Kadir, and Mario J. Valdés. 1996, HTML.
34. A Life of Learning by Robert William Fogel. The 1996 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1996. PDF.
33. The Professional Evaluation of Teaching by James England, Pat Hutchings, and Wilbert J. MacKeachie. 1996. HTML.
32. Scholarship and Teaching by Francis Oakley. 1996. HTML.
31. Beyond the Academy: A Scholar's Obligations by George R. Garrison, Arnita A. Jones, Robert Pollack, and Edward W. Said. 1995.
30. A Life of Learning by Phyllis Pray Bober. The 1995 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1995. PDF.
29. Poetry In and Out of the Classroom: Essays from the ACLS Elementary and Secondary Schools Teacher Curriculum Development Project.  An ACLS/The New Press joint publication. 1995. HTML.
28. The Internationalization of Scholarship and Scholarly Societies. 1995. HTML.
27. Rethinking Literary History—Comparatively by Mario Valdés and Linda Hutcheon. 1994. HTML.
26. Changes in the Context for Creating Knowledge by George Keller, Dennis O'Brien, and Susanne Hoeber Rudolph. 1994. HTML.
25. A Life of Learning by Robert K. Merton. The 1994 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1994. PDF.
24. Perspectives on the Humanities and School-Based Curriculum Development by Sandra Blackman, Stanley Chodorow, Richard Ohmann, Sandra Okura, Sandra Sanchez Purrington, and Robert Stein. An ACLS/The New Press joint publication. 1994. HTML.
23. Teaching the Humanities: Essays from the ACLS Elementary and Secondary Schools Teacher Curriculum Development Project. An ACLS/The New Press joint publication. 1994. HTML.
22. The Limits of Expression in American Intellectual Life by Kathryn Abrams, W.B. Carnochan, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Robert M. O'Neil. 1993. HTML.
21. A Life of Learning by Annemarie Schimmel. The 1993 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1993. PDF.
20. The Humanities in the Schools by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Stanley N. Katz, and Catharine R. Stimpson. 1993. HTML.
19. A Life of Learning by D.W. Meinig. The 1992 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1992. PDF.
18. Fellowships in the Humanities, 1983-1991 by Douglas Greenberg. 1992. HTML.
17. A Life of Learning by Milton Babbitt. The 1991 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1991. PDF.
16. The Improvement of Teaching by Derek Bok; responses by Sylvia Grider, Francis Oakley, and George Rupp. 1991. HTML.
15. Culture's New Frontier: Staking a Common Ground by Naomi F.Collins. 1990. HTML.
14. Scholars and Research Libraries in the 21st Century. 1990. HTML.
13. The ACLS Comparative Constitutionalism Project: Final Report. 1990. HTML.
12. A Life of Learning by Paul Oskar Kristeller. The 1990 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1990. PDF.
11. National Task Force on Scholarship and the Public Humanities. 1990. HTML.
10. Viewpoints: Excerpts from the ACLS Conference on the Humanities in the 1990s by Peter Conn, Thomas Crow, Barbara Jeanne Fields, Ernest S. Frerichs, David Hollinger, Sabine MacCormack, Richard Rorty, and Catharine R. Stimpson. 1989. HTML.
9. A Life of Learning by Judith N. Shklar. The 1989 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1989. PDF.
8. The Agenda for the Humanities and Higher Education for the 21st Century by Stephen Graubard. 1989. HTML.
7. Speaking for the Humanities by George Levine, Peter Brooks, Jonathan Culler, Marjorie Garber, E. Ann Kaplan, and Catharine R. Stimpson. 1989. HTML.
6. The Humanities in the University: Strategies for the 1990s by W.R. Connor, Roderick S. French, J. Hillis Miller, Susan Resneck Parr, Merrill D. Peterson, and Margaret B. Wilkerson. 1988. HTML.
5. Learned Societies and the Evolution of the Disciplines by Saul B. Cohen, David Bromwich, and George W. Stocking, Jr. 1988. HTML.
4. A Life of Learning by John Hope Franklin. The 1988 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1988. HTML.
3. R.M. Lumiansky: Scholar, Teacher, Spokesman for the Humanities. 1988. HTML.
2. Perplexing Dreams: Is There a Core Tradition in the Humanities? by Roger Shattuck. 1987. HTML.
1. A Life of Learning by Carl E. Schorske. The 1987 Charles Homer Haskins Lecture. 1987. PDF.



American Council of Learned Societies