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Graduate Follow-up Form

City, State, ZIP Date of Graduation:
Major: Minor:
E-mail Address:    
BA    BS    MA    MS    MSW    MAT    MBA    Ed.D    Ph.D
I. What is your present employment status?
Employed full-time in my major
Employed part-time in my major
Employed full-time but not in my major
Employed part-time but not in my major
Employed but seeking other employment
Unemployed and seeking employment
Not in the labor market and not seeking employment
In the Armed Forces   Branch:
With how many organizations did you interview?
Name of Organization(s) that made offer(s) Amount of Offer
If you accepted permanent employment:  
Name of Organization:
Job Location:
Job Title:
Salary (Confidential - used for statistical reporting only
Received employer contact through (please check most appropriate answer):
Career Exploration Day
On-Campus Recruiting
Career Services On-line Recruiting
Faculty Recommendation
Other (please explain)
II. Which of the following best characterizes the type of work you perform:

Professional or managerial (independent responsibility and policy-making)
Professional or managerial (medium responsibility and policy interpretation)
Semi-professional, paraprofessional, or small business (application of policy for self only)
Skilled    Semi-skilled    Unskilled

III. Continuing Education
Have you been accepted in a graduate school?    Yes    No
If you have been accepted in a graduate program, what type of school will you enroll in?
Graduate School    Professional School    Other
Name of Institution:
Field of Study:
Degree Sought: Masters    Ph.D   Other:
Why did you decide to gain additional education?
I tried to find a job but was unsuccessful
My career goals can only be attained through further education
I am interested in further education for my advancement
Other (please explain)
IV. Education Majors Only (Teacher Education Areas)
Level of certification:
If not permanently employed as a teacher, are you:
Substituting    Employed in a non-teaching position
Seeking a full-time teaching position    Seeking a full-time, non-teaching position    Other
V. Evaluation
If you could do it all over again, would you take:
Same major    Liberal arts major, but add job preparation
More job oriented major    Another major
Based on your employment experience, which of the following career related skills were adequately acquired in your educational training at Delaware State University? (Check as many as appropriate)
Comprehending written material Writing effectively
Developing new approaches to problems Working from a global perspective
Using library, internet and other research facilities Demonstrating effective communication skills
Problem solving skills Analyzing and evaluating ideas
Time management skills Utilizing new technologies
Planning and organizing Dealing with the public
Following well defined instructions Working under deadlines
Doing detailed and accurate work Working independently
Leadership skills Working on long-term projects
Critical thinking skills Computer technology skills
Developing listening skills Decision making skills
Cooperating with a work team Analyzing and quantifying data
Working with diverse populations Incorporating media forms in presentations
How can the Career Services program better meet the needs of our graduates?