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Office of Sponsored Programs


Sponsored programs are those projects and/or activities which are originated and conducted by members of the faculty or, in some instances, by staff members. Such programs are supported wholly or in part by external restricted funds awarded to the university.

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is a support structure and seeks to assist faculty members in a variety of ways-identifying funding sources; assisting with the development of proposals, including the development of a budget; proposal processing, which includes pre-and post-award administration of grants or contract; and review. In addition, the OSP is an advocate for a campus environment that is conducive to the research enterprise, and advises the administration on matters of regulatory compliance, internal sponsorship of scholarly activities and other related issues.

The OSP is the primary mechanism for providing direct assistance to faculty and staff in identifying appropriate sources for external funds of sponsored projects and programs. Sponsored projects usually include a line item budget which states monetary needs of the project. This budget may or may not include indirect costs.


The mission of the Office of Office of Sponsored Programs is to serve as an advocate for a campus environment conducive to the research enterprise and advise the administration on matters of regulatory compliance, internal sponsorship of scholarly activities and other related issues. The office also seeks to assist faculty members in identifying funding sources, assisting with development and review of proposals, and assuring compliance.