Grains, oilseeds & ingredients for foods and feeds

Let Nature do more of your processing. Select raw materials to optimize products.

Indigo Blue organic corn reaches for the sky in Illinois - great color, high protein and lots of anti-oxidants.              

Natural & Organic Grains for Foods & Feeds Traced Farm to You

Clarkson Grain supplies grains, oilseeds & related ingredients for foods and feeds. We select varieties that optimize clients’ process yield as well as flavor, nutrition, security and access to markets including natural, organic and Kosher. We produce crops by contracting with approved farmers on dryland and irrigated fields over a broad geographic area. Exclusive genetics, preparation services and detailed supply chain management offer clients unusual process and product advantages.

This web site introduces our products and services as well as the major themes of “identity preservation” and “organic not transgenic”. Our products find welcome

homes in tortillas, breakfast foods, snack bars, cosmetics, baby food, salad dressing, chocolate, soy milk and animal feeds. Should you have questions or wish to talk, please refer to the “Contacts and Links” page.