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Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

U.S. Forest Service - Southern Research Station - Asheville, North Carolina
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Upcoming Events

The Georgia Forestry Commission and the U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring Program are co-sponsoring the 2009 Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) Workgroup Meeting.

Redbay - Photo by U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Protection, Southern RegionThe 2009 FHM Workgroup Meeting, themed "New Invaders of Forests and Urban Environments," will be held February 23-27 in Savannah, Georgia. Primary objectives of the workshop are to: report on forest health conditions and trends; present recent advances in forest health monitoring, evaluations, and research; and use participant focus groups to develop recommendations for improving the FHM program. For more information, visit the National FHM website, or contact the Chair of the Program Committee, Rob Cruz, at (801) 625-5162 or

EFETAC's Southern Global Change Program (SGCP) will host an international conference on forests and water.

Uwharrie River, Uwharrie National Forest - Photo by Bill Lea, U.S. Forest Service (retired)The 2nd International Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment will be held in Raleigh, NC, September 14-16, 2009. Discussions will focus on forest-water relations and changing environmental conditions. The goal of this symposium is to provide a forum for experts from around the world on eco-hydrology, restoration ecology, forest ecology, watershed management and global change sciences to share knowledge and research experiences, and to develop long-term international collaborations on watershed research. Visit the conference website for additional information.

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