CPR Training Programs For Schools - Empowering Students To Save Lives!

It may be the most valuable lesson a student can learn: How to save the life of a loved one, teacher, or friend by performing the simple steps of CPR. 

CPR can make the difference between the life and death of a loved one.  It can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim's chance of survival. 

The American Heart Association offers a comprehensive portfolio of both credentialed courses and awareness programs to train middle and high school students.  With options for adult, child, and infant CPR, relief of choking, and use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator), the AHA has a training solution to meet every school's need.

Credentialed CPR and AED Course:

Heartsaver® CPR in Schools®

CPR Awareness Programs:

Family & Friends® CPR

Family & Friends® CPR Anytime®

How do I know what's right for my school?

If you are not sure what the best option is for your school, please contact your American Heart Association Service Center at 1-888-CPR-LINE


Reviewed/Updated: 10/13/2008


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