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1. ACCT0099E  -  Introduction to Accounting (Evening & Weekend)
Measure your aptitude and interest in the field of accounting. ... Increase your understanding of fundamental accounting principles, including identifying and recording business transactions and learning techniques for double-entry accounting. ... This course is part of the Certificate of Accomplishment in Administrative Procedures. ...

2. ACCT1104E  -  Principles of Accounting I (Evening & Weekend)
Strengthen your knowledge of the accounting cycle. ... Understand its completion and the process for generating important statements detailing a company's financial stability. ... Discover how the collected information from merchandise and cash transactions, accounts receivable and accounts payable, merchandise inventory, and deferrals ...

3. ACCT1105E  -  Principles of Accounting II (Evening & Weekend)
Gain extensive insight into accounting principles for partnership corporations. ... Understand the uses of asset valuation, systems and effective internal controls. ... Acquire skills in system design, formation, income measurement and liquidation. ... Further discussion focuses on organization and operation of corporations, ...

4. ACCT1106E  -  Principles of Accounting III (Evening & Weekend)
Master costing systems for different departments and branches of business operations. ... Understand the uses of branch accounting, including how income taxes can affect your business decisions. ... Use cost and revenue relationships to help make management decisions. ... Gain skills in developing management reports, doing special ...

5. ACCT1110E  -  Financial Accounting for Business Students (Evening & Weekend)
Preparing to enter graduate business school but already understand the details of accounting covered in a beginner's course? In this course you start with basic accounting concepts and quickly enter the areas of corporate and partnership entities. ... Acquire the skills to analyze financial statements and explore the connection of accounting ...

6. ACCT2206E  -  Intermediate Accounting I (Evening & Weekend)
Explore accounting further by investigating balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements. ... The course includes detailed analysis of balance sheet items (e.g., cash, inventory, accounts receivable and other current assets), with an emphasis on the concepts of present and future values. ... Current pronouncements of the ...

7. ACCT2207E  -  Intermediate Accounting II (Evening & Weekend)
Make sure you are prepared with correct information about your firm's investments and creditors. ... Learn to track information on tangible fixed assets, intangible assets, special purpose funds, current and contingent liabilities, bonds, pensions and leases, and problem areas such as income determination. ... ACE College Credit Recommendation ...

8. ACCT2208E  -  Intermediate Accounting III (Evening & Weekend)
Gain knowledge of corporations, formations, contributed capital and the nature of capital stock. ... You will explore par value of stock, special sales of stock, unrealized capital gains, corporations' retained earnings and dividends, contraction and expansion of corporate capital, earnings per share, accounting changes, error correction and ...

9. ACCT2253E - Cost Accounting I (Classroom- Evening/Weekend)
January 21 - March 25, 2009 ... 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Wed Instructor: To be Announced Washington, DC $395 ... September 21 - November 30, ... 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Mon Instructor: To be Announced Washington, DC $395 ... Acquire the knowledge and skills to ... use cost accounting principles, concepts and practices ...

10. ACCT2254E - Cost Accounting II (Classroom- Evening/Weekend)
April 15 - June 17, 2009 ... 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Wed Instructor: To be Announced Washington, DC $395 ... June 30 - September 1, 2009 ... Tue Instructor: To be Announced Washington, DC $395 ... Enhance your knowledge and skills in process cost accounting ... using standard cost accounting systems and procedures. ...

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