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1. METO1160C  -  Introduction to Meteorology (Distance Education)
Gain a basic foundation for understanding current environmental issues related to the atmosphere. ... Part of the Meteorology Certificate Program. ... In this independent study paper-based course, you submit assignments to an instructor, who grades them and gives you feedback. ... Textbook must be purchased separately. ...

2. METO2260C  -  Physical Meteorology (Distance Education)
Gain an understanding of the physics of the atmosphere: how the sun¿s energy is transformed and utilized. ... The atmosphere serves as the laboratory for the application of basic principles of physics. ... The course covers basic cloud processes and radiation transfer, which are fundamental to the existence of life on earth. ...

3. METO2270C  -  Satellite Meteorology (Distance Education)
Learn about a wide range of topics from theoretical to applied uses of meteorological satellites and imagery. ... Use online real-world examples of satellite meteorology interpretation and applications to strengthen analytical skills in satellite image interpretation. ... Part of the Meteorology Certificate Program. ...

4. METO3361C  -  Dynamic Meteorology I (Distance Education)
Apply basic physical and mathematical principles to the study of atmosphere. ... This course has been approved by the American Meteorological Society for satisfying their core requirements. ... Part of the Meteorology Certificate Program. ... In this independent study paper-based course, you submit assignments to an instructor, ...

5. METO3362C  -  Dynamic Meteorology II (Distance Education)
Apply the general principles of mechanics and fluid motions to the study of the atmosphere and its movements. ... Applications of these principles to weather analysis and forecasting are emphasized. ... This course is a continuation of Dynamic Meteorology I. ... This course has been approved by the American Meteorological Society ...

6. METO4461C  -  Synoptic Meteorology I (Distance Education)
Review basic circulation theory, overview the National Weather Service¿s operations and computer models, and preview the complexities of synoptic meteorology via surface analysis. ... This course has been approved by the American Meteorological Society for satisfying their core requirements. ... Part of the Meteorology Certificate Program. ...

7. METO4462C  -  Synoptic Meteorology II (Distance Education)
Expand your knowledge of synoptic meteorology begun in level I. ... This course has been approved by the American Meteorological Society for satisfying their core requirements. ... Part of the Meteorology Certificate Program. ... In this independent study paper-based course, you submit assignments to an instructor, who grades ...

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