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Programs & Initiatives


Humanities E-Book is a digital collection of over 1,500 full-text titles offered by ACLS in collaboration with 12 learned societies, nearly 90 contributing publishers, and librarians at the University of Michigan’s Scholarly Publishing Office.

Through fellowship competitions, regional workshops, and peer networking, the African Humanities Program provides support to the humanities in five African countries, including Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. The program is supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

The Humanities Program in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, has distributed grants to individual scholars in these three countries for nearly a decade. The objective of these grants is to sustain individuals doing exemplary work, so as to ensure future leadership in the humanities.


The Luce Fund for Asian Studies Capstone Conference (LFAS), organized by ACLS with a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, was held in Princeton, N.J. on October 12 –14, 2007. The conference was convened to evaluate the LFAS program and begin a conversation on Asian studies in undergraduate education.

The ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure in the Humanities and Social Sciences released a final report, Our Cultural Commonwealth Commonwealth, in fall 2006 on its investigation into technology and humanistic research, with a call on the need to develop the cyberinfrastruture necessary for scholarship in the humanities and social sciences.

The Social Science Translation Project (SSTP) brought together a group of translators, editors, and social scientists to discuss problems arising from the translation of a variety of texts that employ social-scientific concepts. It produced Guidelines for the Translation of Social Science Texts in eight languages. 

The Teagle Working Group in Liberal Education convened three times in 18 months, ultimately producing a white paper intended to provide new empirical data and grounding for institutional practices regarding the relationship between teaching and scholarship.

Scholarly References

The Darwin Correspondence Project will publish, in a projected 32-volume edition and on the project's website, the definitive edition of letters to and from Charles Darwin. Frederick H. Burkhardt, president emeritus of ACLS, founded the project in 1974 and served as general editor of the project until his death in September 2007 (see posting). ACLS is pleased to accept contributions in memory of Dr. Burkhardt to support The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Please see Ways of Giving.

The American National Biography (ANB) has succeeded the venerable ACLS-sponsored Dictionary of American Biography as the premier biographical work on people who have influenced and shaped American history and culture. Published by Oxford University Press in a 24-volume, 20-million word base set and supplements, the 17,400 original profiles are updated and expanded in the ANB Online.

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American Council of Learned Societies