Centre For Alternative Technology

   CAT Education  

Residential Visits: Tuition

Tuition/Tours for Residential School/College Groups
TuitionAdditional InformationCostDurationLevelMax Nos
Guided Tour (General) A general tour round the whole site £45 Approx. 75 mins any 18 
Guided Tour (Specialist) Can include: Renewable energy, Organic gardening, Sewage systems, Environmental building £80 Up to 2 hours any 18 
Powerpoint Presentations Renewable energy and related subjects £40 1 hour any 50 
Sensory Exploration Following a well- marked trail blindfold. Lots of fun, but can be muddy and wet. Old clothes and shoes are needed. These are unlikely to be fit to wear the next day - bring bin bags to take them home in. £45 Approx. 1 hour any 18 
Guided walks all involve hills! £40 to 70 up to 2 hours any  
Guided walk WoodlandTrail through woodland environment; dormouse reserve, native trees, good view of cabins and CAT wind turbines £70 up to 2 hours any  
Guided walk Community wind turbine (not in lambing time-March/April)overlooks CAT, reservoir and the Dulas valley £40  any  
Guided walk up to CAT reservoir and small wind turbinesIncludes seeing the old slate quarry - puts CAT into a historical context. The small wind turbines, on the top of a slate tip, were an early experiment in wind power when CAT first opened £40 1 hour any  
Practical Tabletop Activities Designing and making modelsWind power/Solar power. These sessions can be adapted to suit all ages and abilities. Hands on and enjoyable way of learning about generating electricity from renewable sources £60 90 mins any 18 
Drama workshops/Cooperative games A good way to get to know each other and work together as a team - and fun! £40 up to 1 hour any 18 
The Carbon Dioxide Game Incorporating watching our unique kaleidoscopic video presentation with an interactive workshop designed to show how the Greenhouse Effect works and the problems associated with Global Warming - participants become the sun's energy rays! £40 1 hour 10 years + 18 
Eco-Footprinting session Using fun activities learn more about the impact our activities and lifestyle can have. This session can stimulate thought about all sorts of aspects of our lives; from transport to food, waste, homes, heating and more. Could lead into lots of extension activities in the cabins or after the visit, especially looking into how to reduce your footprint. Two laptops can be booked for follow up work in the cabins using an interactive footprint website. Please ask for details of information individuals should bring with them to fill in the website. £40 1½ to 2 hours 8 to adult 18 
Question and Answer session Best done at the end of a visit, or at least until after your group has had a chance to take a good look at the CAT display £40 1 hour any 18 

Day Visits
  • Vital Information
  • Opening Hours & Prices
  • KS 1-5 Resources
  • Tuition
  • Facilities
  • Booking Forms
  • Insurance Certificate
  • Risk Assessment
  • Asesu Peryglon
  • First Aid Procedure
  • How to get here
  • Residential Visits
  • Eco Cabins
  • Tuition
  • Risk Assessment
  • Local Area
  • Courses for Teachers
  • ESDGC Training Days
  • Sustainable Design Award
    CAT Qualifications
    Ecofootprinting Education
    Educational Publications
    Forthcoming Events

    Copyright © 1995-2009 Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Limited, a company limited by guarantee
    Charity no. 265239; Company no. 1090006, registered in Wales; registered office: Llwyngwern, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ; VAT number: 377 8917 83

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