Centre For Alternative Technology

   CAT Education  

Day Visits: KS 1-5 Resources

Day Visit Study Guide Downloads
Here is a list of the items we currently have available for download. They are in PDF format and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. If you do not already have it installed on your system you can get it free from the Adobe website.

Some of our displays are being updated and as soon as they are finished wewill be producing new worksheets in English and in Welsh.

Mae rhai o'n harddangosfeydd wrthi'n cael eu diweddaru, a chyn gynted ag ybyddant yn cael eu cwblhau fe fyddwn ni'n cynhyrchu taflenni gwaith newyddyn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg.

Key Stage Item
All Site Map
Preparatory Notes
KS1 KS1 Water Trail
KS1 Water Trail Teacher's Notes
KS2 KS2 Worksheets
KS2/3 General Study Guide (22/3/06)
KS3 KS3 Worksheets
KS4 KS4 Worksheets
6th Form 6th Form Worksheets

Cyfnod Allweddol Eitem
Pawb Map y Safle
Nodiadau paratoadol
CA1 CA1 Y Llwybr Dwr
CA2 CA2 Taflenni Gwaith
Canllaw i Astudiaeth Gyffredinol
CA3 CA3 Cludiant
CA3 Cludiant - atebion
CA4 CA4 Tyfu Organig
CA5 CA5 Materion Iechyd
CA5 Pethau Biolegol
CA5 Defnyddiau a Chynllunio
CA5 Hamdden a Thwristiaeth

Individual Worksheets
These items are available as word documents which you can tailor to your individual requirements.
Key Stage Item
KS3Solar Electricity Worksheet
Solar Heating Worksheet
Solar Heating Answers
Transport Worksheet
Transport Answers
Water Worksheet
Water Answers
Wind Worksheet
Wind Answers
KS4Buildings Worksheet
Energy Conservation Worksheet
Organic Growing Worksheet
Photovoltaics Worksheet
Renewable Energy Worksheet
Solar Heating Worksheet
Water Power Worksheet
Wind Power Worksheet
6th FormThings Biological Worksheet
Buildings & Materials Worksheet
Energy Efficiency Worksheet
Energy Efficiency Answers
Renewable Energy Worksheet
Renewable Energy Answers
Health Issues Worksheet
Leisure and Tourism Worksheet
Materials and Design Worksheet
Physics Worksheet

Day Visits
  • Vital Information
  • Opening Hours & Prices
  • KS 1-5 Resources
  • Tuition
  • Facilities
  • Booking Forms
  • Insurance Certificate
  • Risk Assessment
  • Asesu Peryglon
  • First Aid Procedure
  • How to get here
  • Residential Visits
  • Eco Cabins
  • Tuition
  • Risk Assessment
  • Local Area
  • Courses for Teachers
  • ESDGC Training Days
  • Sustainable Design Award
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    Copyright © 1995-2009 Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Limited, a company limited by guarantee
    Charity no. 265239; Company no. 1090006, registered in Wales; registered office: Llwyngwern, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ; VAT number: 377 8917 83

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