National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
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North Dakoda School District Takes on Take One!

Sept. 22-- New Town School District on the Fort Berthold Reservation in western North Dakota is the first district in the nation where each certified teacher and administrator is receiving the new NBPTS Take One! program.

NBPTS Announces Professional Development Teaching Centers in California

Sept. 22-- Four local universities and one county office of education have been selected as “Professional Development Teaching Centers.

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Sept. 8-- Check out the NBPTS page on Facebook. Search term 'National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.'

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Better Teaching, Better Learning, Better Schools

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards improves teaching and student learning. National Board Certified Teachers are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards.

Like board-certified doctors and accountants, teachers who achieve National Board Certification have met rigorous standards through intensive study, expert evaluation, self-assessment and peer review. NBPTS offers 25 certificates that cover a variety of subject areas and student developmental levels.

In a congressionally-mandated study, National Board Certification was recently recognized by the National Research Council as having a positive impact on student achievement, teacher retention, and professional development.

Since 1987 nearly 64,000 teachers have achieved National Board Certification. These teachers prepare America’s diverse student population with the skills it needs to compete in the 21st century workplace.

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