Fulbright Scholar Directories
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Scholar Directories|

Fulbright Scholar Program

The descriptive information for each Fulbright scholar is arranged according to academic discipline. Scholars are also listed alphabetically, by host geographic area and by home state. Scholars in special programs or seminars are listed separately. To view the Fulbright U.S. Student Directories, please click here.

->U.S. Scholar Directory

This directory provides a cross-indexed listing of the Visiting Scholars. If you would like to invite Fulbright Visiting Scholars who are currently residing in the U.S. to come to your campus or community, please proceed to the Occasional Lecturer Program. You may also use this directory to identify a Visiting Specialist whom you wish to invite through the Visiting Specialists Program: Direct Access to the Muslim World.

->Visiting (Non-U.S.) Scholar Directory

Joseph Peters
Susan Davidson
Nicholas Sironka
The Fulbright Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. CIES is a division of the Institute of International Education.

© Copyright Council for International Exchange of Scholars . 3007 Tilden Street NW Suite 5L, Washington DC 20008-3009 . Phone: 202-686-4000 . Fax: 202-362-3442 . E-mail: cieswebmaster@cies.iie.org.