Alumni | Fulbright Scholar Program
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Fulbright Scholar Program

As Fulbright alumni, you are part of a unique community that has crossed cultural and geographic boundaries to share your knowledge with the world. Now that your grant is complete, you may be wondering how you can remain connected to the program and increase the impact of your experience abroad by sharing it with others.

Alumni are invited to become a part of the Fulbrightweb site, an online community of  Fulbright scholars, students and the program's professional support network. The site offers a number of features including lifetime e-mail; chat and bulletin boards, Fulbrighter news, scholar directory, library of Fulbrighters' articles, research papers, books, stories and much much more.

There are a number of ways to connect with Fulbright when your grant is complete, including participation in Peer Review and other opportunities.

Joseph Peters
Susan Davidson
Nicholas Sironka
The Fulbright Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. CIES is a division of the Institute of International Education.

© Copyright Council for International Exchange of Scholars . 3007 Tilden Street NW Suite 5L, Washington DC 20008-3009 . Phone: 202-686-4000 . Fax: 202-362-3442 . E-mail: