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NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species


Text-based search
(advanced version)
This text based search can be used to find a single species or many species given a state. From the list you can get fact sheets, maps and collection information
State Search Search by State Search for a list of species found in a specific state. From the list you can get fact sheets, maps and collection information
Major Drainage Search - HUC2 Search by Major Drainage Area
[HUC2 (hydrologic unit code)
Search major drainage basins such as California, Lower Mississippi or the Great Lakes for a list of species found in that area. From the list you can get fact sheets, maps and collection information
Minor Drainage Search - HUC6 Search by Drainage Area
[HUC6 (hydrologic unit code)]
This is similar to the HUC2 search but allows the selection of a more specific area. From the list of species you can get fact sheets, maps and collection information
Minor Drainage Search - HUC8 Search by Drainage Area
[HUC8 (hydrologic unit code)]
This is similar to the HUC6 search but allows the selection of a more specific area. From the list of species you can get fact sheets, maps and collection information
Zebra Mussel Search Search For Zebra Mussel Collections (by state) This is a customized collection search using the Zebra Mussel
Search NAS Reference Database Search for references. Also returns list of species and specimens associated with a reference.
All of our fact sheets Full listing of all of the species for which we currently have fact sheets. button  Take Pride in America button