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DEC Commissioner's Office
Environmental Permits Under Review - The Bulletin
Real-Time Air-Quality Data

December 2008 - Public meetings regarding water quality management planning for the Black and Ottauquechee rivers basin. The Department will be conducting a series of public meetings starting in January 2009 at various locations to discuss several topics of planning interest and concern. To learn more about these meetings, click here.



October 2008 - Lists of Waters for 2008 finalized. The Department of Environmental Conservation is pleased to announce the release of the final and EPA-approved 2008 Section 303d List of Impaired Waters as well as the release of the List of Waters Outside the Scope of Section 303d. The two listings can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here.


  June 2008 - Last summer, the invasive alga "Didymo" (also known as "rock snot") was found in several streams in the Northeast.
Invasive Alga "Didymo" Poster
or view the PDF of the Poster (50kb PDF)

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and its regional partners are taking steps to inform the public how they can help minimize the spread of this invasive alga. Didymosphenia geminata, as the alga is known scientifically, moves from river to river on the clothing and equipment of people who come in contact with even microscopic quantities. Please visit the ANR’s informational website which provides additional background information and specific information on how you, as a river user, can reduce the spread of Didymo and other aquatic nuisance species.

Look for this informative poster (50kb PDF) along the state's rivers and streams. Visit the new "Didymo" website for more information >>



June 2008 - Vermont Venture 2008 Outdoor Challenge - New Statewide Game!
Collect points for doing fun outside activities - earn 250 and get a VIP gold pass for FREE state park entry!
You and your family can spend the season outside, and earn points for visiting beautiful places! When you get to those places, earn more points for doing all kinds of fun activities! Points are awarded for doing fun things like playing games, paddling on a lake, playing frisbee with your friends or attending nature programs. If you earn 250 points you will be awarded a Gold VIP Pass to Vermont State Parks. With it you can come back to Vermont State Parks for the rest of the this year and all of next year for free day entry! Visit the Venture Vermont website for more information and find out how you can play >>


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    View ANR Press Releases..
Program Spotlight
Redevelopment of Contaminated Properties -
The Brownfields Program

Municipal Planners, Redevelopers, and Community members can benefit their communities with new uses for abandoned and substantially underutilized properties. The links on this page will give you an introduction to: the principles of brownfield redevelopment, an understanding of the RCPP statute, redevelopment success stories, application materials, and available grant sources.
For more information, please see the Waste Management Division's Brownfields Program page...

Invasive Alga Didymo
Updated Didymo (a.k.a.rock snot ) website with tips for how all river users can reduce the spread of aquatic nuisance species.

Vermont Governor's Commission on Climate Change
Learn more about the
Governor's Commission
on Climate Change

Vermont Clean and Clear Action Plan
Learn more about the
Governor's Clean and Clear Action Plan

Vermont Mercury Education & Reduction Campaign
Learn more about what the DEC is doing to reduce Mercury Pollution

State of Vermont
VT DEC    103 South Main Street    Waterbury, VT  05671-0401    Tele: 802-241-3808   Fax: 802-244-5141

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