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Our Partners

Our Partners

Many sentences about ICRAF’s activities begin with "Working with our many partners..." Through the very nature of our work, we forge strategic partnerships and alliances to bring together and organise a critical mass of resources to achieve our objectives.   Without our partners and collaborators we cannot complete the full cycle of knowledge generation, technology development, adoption and implementation of agroforestry innovations and policy change.   Other institutions and organisations provide experiences, offer disciplines and have mandates that complement our work.   Local knowledge and partners in the field ground agroforestry innovations in a context.  Collaborative arrangements help to secure multiplier effects and the long term development and application of the science and practice of agroforestry.

The Centre has a wide range of partners along the research, development and education continuum. They are drawn from

  • Advanced research institutions
  • National research institutions
  • Universities, technical colleges and schools
  • Other Future Harvest Centres such as CIFOR, CIMMYT, ILRI and CIAT.
  • Government agencies and ministries
  • National and international non-governmental organizations
  • A wide range of civil society organizations including community-based organizations.
  • The private sector
  • Regional and sub regional organizations

The Centre has different types of partnerships to deliver various outcomes in these major areas,

  • Research
  • Development
  • Education
  • Policy
  • Capacity Building
  • Scaling up

These partnerships are implemented at various scales, from local to global. Some partnerships are unique to one region or one country whilst others are more global in nature.

Examples of outputs from the collaborative initiatives include innovations and technologies; practices such as forestry management, participatory research practices and other integrated natural resource management practices; recommendations for policies and strategies, information to inform policy decisions and practices and the development of capacity in integrated natural resource management.

Due to the premium we place on partnerships we are undertaking a study to understand and analyze how best to manage our partnerships. For more information please contact w.shah@cgiar.org 


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