Nursery Program. Our mission is to  benefit the welfare of all persons residing in the state and Nevada's nursery and landscape industries by monitoring for, intercepting, and preventing the spread of pests on nursery stock, as well as, ensuring pest-free and viable plant materials are offered for sale to the public.        Nursery Program Sitemap

  Ship Nursery Stock
         Into Nevada

Shipping Nursery Stock to Nevada?
What Out-of-State Businesses need to know!

          click for answers  

 List of Nevada Licensed Nursery Stock Dealers

Search the list of Nursery Stock Dealers – includes retail businesses, wholesale growers, and landscape contractors who supply nursery stock
Click Here


  Recent Changes to Nevada Nursery Laws 

NAC 555.125  (2008) (pdf)
NAC 555.130
 (2008) (pdf)
NAC 555.150  (2008) (pdf)

questions contact the Nursery Program Manager
           Click here


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Last Updated: 12/27/07 02:47:38 PM 
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