Bio-hazardous Submissions
Milk Sample Submission
Trich Sample Submission

Submit samples to: 

Nevada Department of Agriculture
Animal Disease & Food Safety Laboratory
350 Capitol Hill Avenue
Reno, NV 89509

Federal regulations govern the packaging of diagnostic for labeling of diagnostic samples.

Recommended guidelines include:

1.     Ship specimens in appropriate leak-proof containers.

2.     Screw-cap closures must be reinforced with tape or double bagged.

3.     Label each specimen container with name/number.

4.     Double bag specimens shipped in whirlpak bags.

5.     Add absorbent material to prevent leakage if breakage occurs.


Serology Samples:
Regulatory and diagnostic serology testing requires that 1-2 ml of good quality serum be submitted. Hemolyzed and /or contaminated serum samples reduces the accuracy and sensitivity of the tests being performed.     A good quality serum sample can be obtained by using either 1) a separator tube that simplifies the separation of sera from red blood cells by means of centrifugation or, 2) a red top blood vial that is then centrifuged so that the sera may be poured off into a separate tube. The latter method should be done completely before shipping the sample.  Whole blood samples should be submitted for CBC and buffy coat tests only.  All serum should be sent chilled and shipped with an ice pack.
Fresh Tissue Samples:

Tissue submissions for bacteriological and virologic testing should also be sent chilled.  Each tissue sample should be packaged separately.  Tissue size should be greater than one inch but no greater than five inches in diameter.  Swabs of the gastrointestinal tract are useful in testing for aerobic pathogens. However, they are inadequate for testing for the presence of anaerobes.  If an anaerobic pathogen is suspected, submit tissues or a segment of the intestine/colon with the ends tied off sufficiently enough to ensure an anaerobic environment.  The segment should be a minimum of 4 inches in length.
Fixed Tissue Samples:
If a histopathologic examination is requested, tissue needs to be fixed prior to shipping, preferably in 10% neutral-buffered formalin.  Adequate fixative volume is important for proper fixation and should be 10-15 times greater that the tissue volume.  Tissues should not exceed one centimeter in width.  The use of a wide-mouth screw top container will help to prevent leakage of formalin during shipping.  Whirlpak or ziplock bags for transporting formalin fixed tissue are unacceptable.
LIVE ANIMALS will NOT be accepted for routine rabies diagnostic studies.
Only the head of animals, i.e., cows, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, and skunks should be sent. Bats and other small animals (rats) should be sent intact.

Specimens for rabies testing must be relatively fresh and submitted for examination without delay. As specimens deteriorate, sensitivity for detection of rabies antigen is reduced and rabies prophylaxis may be necessary. Grossly deteriorated specimens will be incinerated and no studies will be attempted.

Frozen commercial freezer packs, rather than wet or dry ice, should be used in shipping. Do not freeze brain tissues because they become very soft when thawed and the reliability of tests for rabies is compromised.

Complete one rabies history submission form for each specimen
submitted. Enclose the submission form in an envelope and attach the envelope to the outer surface of the shipping container. DO NOT place the envelope inside the container with the specimen.

Double wrap the head (or entire animal) in two strong plastic bags, one inside the other. Preferably the outer bag should be a bio-hazard  bag. This package should be chilled immediately and kept cool (not frozen) until it is packed for shipment. It is ESSENTIAL to make absolutely sure that the package will not leak.

When ready to ship, place the double-wrapped package and one or more freezer packs into a leak-proof Styrofoam container, and pack with newspaper. All reusable containers will be returned to the submitter. Large heads, such as bovine or equine, which will not fit safely into the above shipping kit, should be brought to the laboratory by personal carrier. It is essential that these specimens also be safely contained in a tightly closed leak proof container and kept cold.

Be certain to enclose a sufficient amount of freezer packs to keep the specimen cool during shipment, mindful of the possibility of unavoidable delays. Do not use wet ice or dry ice. Do not freeze brain tissues. Packages should be shipped so that they will arrive at the laboratory on Monday through Friday morning.


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