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Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12

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What are Security Officers?

The HSPD-12 Security Officer has many security related duties within the HSPD-12 process. The Security Officer may be involved in several of the LincPass lifecycle phases and perform different duties within each phase.

Becoming a Security Officer

All Security Officers must complete the web-based HSPD-12 Security Officer training, be certified and designated by a Role Admin, be sponsored and issued a LincPass before beginning HSPD-12 responsibilities.

Security Officer Responsibilities

  • Change the status of a credential between due to a security related situation.
  • Collect, destroy, and mark credentials as destroyed in USAccess.
  • Securely send credentials to the Issuer/Activator at another Activation Station when a credential is shipped to a location where an Applicant does not work.
  • Investigate and resolve enrollment issues such as flagged I-9 documents and possible duplicate records.

Additional Resources

Security Officer FAQs – see the “FAQ” page for frequently asked questions

Security Officer Guide – see the “Security Officer Guide” on the “Training” page for the USDA HSPD-12 Security Officer processes and procedures

USAccess Reports – for guidance on accessing the USAccess reports portal and the available reports, see the “Training” page

Document Referral Flags – see the USAccess “Document Validation Guide” for guidance on clearing records flagged for document referrals
Site Updated: 01/08/2009    
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