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EEO - Its Place in the Federal Government (CD-ROM based, Paper-Based)

(Course Available After Purchase)$165

Understand the history of and need for the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program, as well as the consequences of discrimination. Equivalent to 16 classroom hours. This course is also part of the Human Resources Management Certificate, Level 1, program that can be completed entirely through distance education.

In this independent study CD course, assistance is available as needed. Take up to six months to complete. (Printed version also available: include a note with registration or call (303) 236-8500.)

Who Should Attend?
All federal employees and supervisors, union officials, and EEO and administrative staff.
Syllabus -- EEO -- Its Place in the Federal Government, EEOP7051N, Grad. School, USDA


EEO -- Its Place in the Federal Government explains what the Federal EEO program is, to whom it applies, why it is necessary, and who is responsible for EEO. Among the topics covered are protected classes, affirmative employment programs, sexual harassment, the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, and the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program. The course does not cover EEO counseling techniques.



  • Protected Classes
  • Discrimination
  • Disparate Treatment
  • Adverse Impact
  • Recent Supreme Court Decisions


  • The Constitution
  • Changing Times
    • Blacks
    • Hispanics
    • Women
    • Native Americans
    • Japanese
  • Civil Rights in Private Industry
  • Civil Rights in the Federal Government
  • The Equal Pay Act of 1963
  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
  • The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • The Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974
  • Reorganization Plans
  • The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
  • Common Purposes of EEO Legislation


  • The EEO Complaint Process
  • Who Can File a Complaint?
  • What Is a Discrimination Complaint?
  • How Is a Discrimination Complaint Processed?
  • Administrative Complaint Procedures
  • The Informal Stage
  • Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures


  • Why Affirmative Action Is Necessary
  • Affirmative Action Program (AAP) Plan
  • Identifying Possible Problems
  • Determining Which Problems Are the Most Serious
  • Setting Goals and Timetables
  • Affirmative Employment Programs
    • Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP)
    • The Federal Women's Program (FWP)
    • The Hispanic Employment Program (HEP)
    • The Selective Placement Program for Persons With Disabilities
  • Reasonable Accommodation
  • The Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP)
  • Veterans Readjustment Appointment (VRA)
  • Appointment of Disabled Veterans With a Service-Connected Disability of 30 Percent or More
  • Agency Plan
  • Agency Accomplishment Report
  • Upward Mobility
  • Worker-Trainee Opportunities Program (W-TOP)
  • Other Affirmative Employment Programs


  • You,The Employee
  • You,The Supervisor or Manager
  • Major EEO Staff Functions
    • Director of EEO
    • EEO Officer
    • Affirmative Employment Program Managers and Coordinators
    • EEO Specialist
    • EEO Counselor
    • Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
    • Special Committees
  • Agencies With Governmentwide EEO Responsibilities
    • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
    • Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

Course Details
TYPE:  Distance Education
LENGTH:  Up to 6 Month(s)
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