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2008 Farm Bill


Search Results: 1 through 50 (of 50 Documents)
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, October 2008, Material Type: Article, (3 pages).

Beginning with crops harvested in 2009, farmers can chose between the Traditional Farm Program Suite, consisting of price counter-cyclical, direct income, and marketing loan programs, or an ACRE Farm Program Suite, consisting of a state revenue program, 80% of direct income payments, and marketing loan payments at 70% of the loan rate. - 130KB - 12/20/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 89
William Edwards
Iowa State University, October 2008, Material Type: Article, (3 pages).

Under the new Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 producers of USDA program crops such as soybeans, wheat, and corn have the option to enroll in a new counter-cyclical revenue plan. The program is called Average Crop Revenue Election, or ACRE for short. It is being offered as an alternative to the counter-cyclical payment option under the 2003 farm bill. - 59KB - 12/22/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 62
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, October 2008, Material Type: Article, (2 pages).

Intense debate has arisen over which method to use to calculate the price component of the ACRE (Average Crop Revenue Election) program’s revenue guarantee. This debate has centered on two alternatives, which will be referred to as the Administration and Congressional methods. - 108KB - 12/20/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 79
William Edwards
Iowa State University, September 2008, Material Type: Article, (2 pages).

The 2008 farm bill creates an Agricultural Disaster Trust Fund. A major part of this fund will finance Supplemental Revenue Assistance (SURE) payments, which are designed to supplement the protection producers can purchase from private crop insurance companies. A producer must purchase insurance for all crops produced each year to be eligible for the SURE disaster program, starting in 2008. - 336KB - 12/22/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 51
Wesley Musser
University of Maryland, August 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This presentation was developed for Maryland farm extension workshops on the 2008 Farm Bill. It summarizes changes to crop insurance in the farm bill. Also, some recent administrative changes are covered. The presentation focused on changes of interest to Maryland farmers.

Times Viewed: 50
Wesley Musser
University of Maryland, August 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This presentation introduces farmers and other interested individuals to the 2008 Farm Bill. The purpose of the presentation was to outline the choices farmers have to make to participate in the new commodity programs Average Crop Revenue Election, ACRE, and Supplemental Revenue Assistance, SURE. Maryland farm examples of the choices were presented to illustrate the program choices.

Times Viewed: 56
William Edwards
Iowa State University, August 2008, Material Type: Spreadsheet, (2 pages).

A desicion making tool for the Supplemental Revenue Assistance (SURE). - 81KB - 12/22/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 39
George Haynes
Montana State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the credit and targeted farmer and rancher programs presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers credit programs and other programs targeted at beginning or socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 526
G. Art Barnaby
Kansas State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the crop insurance and agricultural disaster assistance presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation discusses the regulatory and policy changes in crop insurance programs and the mechanics of new permanent disaster assistance programsin the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 400
Brian Gould
University of Wisconsin, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the dairy presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers dairy program provisions and issues in the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 345
Larry Sanders
Oklahoma State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the energy presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers program rules and issues in the energy title of the 2008 Farm Bill and related legislation. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 463
E. Greg Fonsah
University of Georgia, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the horticulture and organic agriculture presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers programs and issues in the new horticulture and organic agriculture title and in other areas of the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 259
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of commodity program analysis presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers the impact on Midwest producers of the existing commodity programs, the new average crop revenue election (ACRE) program, and the supplemental revenue assistance program (SURE) in the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 260
Mickey Paggi
California State University, Fresno, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of commodity program analysis presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers the impact on U.S. producers of the existing commodity programs, the new average crop revenue election (ACRE) program, and the supplemental revenue assistance program (SURE) in the 2008 Farm Bill. The presentation also covers trade programs and the impact of U.S. commodity programs on trade agreements, negotiations, and conflicts. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 271
Mike Dicks
Oklahoma State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of commodity program analysis presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers the impact on Southern producers of the existing commodity programs, the new average crop revenue election (ACRE) program, and the supplemental revenue assistance program (SURE) in the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 286
Bradley D. Lubben
University of Nebraska, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the livestock presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers livestock programs and issues in the new livestock title and other areas of the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 259
Joe Outlaw
Texas A&M University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the commodity program presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The commodity program presentation covers the mechanics of marketing loan (ML) programs, direct payments (DP), counter-cyclical payments (CCP), and average crop revenue election (ACRE) payment. The presentaiton also addresses payment limitation and eligiblity rules in the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 279
Craig Infanger
University of Kentucky, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of an overivew of nutrition and tax issues presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers nutrition programs from the nutrition title (Title IV) and tax provisions from the tax title (Title XV) of the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 570
Bradley D. Lubben
University of Nebraska, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the overview of the 2008 Farm Bill presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The overview discusses the setting for the new farm bill and the timeline for its development. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 464
Andy Seidl
Colorado State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the conservation reserve and preservation programs presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers program rule and issues for reserve and preservation program sin the conservation title of the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 254
Mark Edelman
Iowa State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the rural development presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The prsentation covers rural development programs and issues in the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 324
P. Lynn Kennedy
Louisiana State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the sugar presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers sugar provisions and issues in the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 246
Jim Pease
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation

This video footage is of the conservation working lands programs presentation at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers program rule and issues for reserve and preservation program sin the conservation title of the 2008 Farm Bill. (Link to Powerpoint file also in the library here)

Times Viewed: 246
George Haynes
Montana State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (32 pages).

This credit and targeted farmer and rancher presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers credit programs and other programs targeted at beginning or socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 260KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 704
G. Art Barnaby
Kansas State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (35 pages).

This crop insurance and supplemental agricultural disaster assistance presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation discusses the regulatory and policy changes in crop insurance programs and the mechanics of new permanent disaster assistance programs in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 10998KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 662
Brian Gould
University of Wisconsin, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (26 pages).

This dairy presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers dairy program provisions and issues in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 2272KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 563
Larry Sanders
Oklahoma State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (33 pages).

This energy presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers program rules and issues in the energy title of the 2008 Farm Bill and related legislation. - 806KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 611
E. Greg Fonsah
University of Georgia, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (38 pages).

This horticulture and organic agriculture presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers programs and issues in the new horticulture and organic agriculture title and in other areas of the 2008 Farm Bill. - 581KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 422
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (17 pages).

This commodity program analysis was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers the impact on Midwest producers of the existing commodity programs, the new average crop revenue election (ACRE) program, and the supplemental revenue assistance program (SURE) in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 498KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 731
Mickey Paggi
California State University, Fresno, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (38 pages).

This commodity program analysis was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers the impact on U.S. producers of the existing commodity programs, the new average crop revenue election (ACRE) program, and the supplemental revenue assistance program (SURE) in the 2008 Farm Bill. The presentation also covers trade programs and the impact of U.S. commodity programs on trade agreements, negotiations, and conflicts. - 1688KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 396
Mike Dicks
Oklahoma State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (29 pages).

This commodity program analysis was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers the impact on Southern producers of the existing commodity programs, the new average crop revenue election (ACRE) program, and the supplemental revenue assistance program (SURE) in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 4418KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 432
Bradley D. Lubben
University of Nebraska, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (14 pages).

This livestock presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers livestock programs and issues in the new livestock title and in other areas of the 2008 Farm Bill. - 1570KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 411
Joe Outlaw
Texas A&M University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (47 pages).

This commodity program presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The commodity program presentation covers the mechanics of marketing loan (ML) programs, direct payments (DP), counter-cyclical payments (CCP), and average crop revenue election (ACRE) payments. The presentation also addresses payment limitation and eligibility rules in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 8570KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 740
Craig Infanger
University of Kentucky, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (37 pages).

This overview of nutrition and tax issues was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers nutrition programs from the nutrition title (Title IV) and tax provisions from the tax title (Title XV) of the 2008 Farm Bill. - 17749KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 740
Bradley D. Lubben
University of Nebraska, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (14 pages).

This overview of the 2008 Farm Bill was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The overview discusses the setting for the new farm bill and the timeline for its development. - 2137KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 431
Andy Seidl
Colorado State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (26 pages).

This conservation presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers program rules and issues for reserve and preservation programs in the conservation title of the 2008 Farm Bill. - 7060KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 419
Mark Edelman
Iowa State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (15 pages).

This rural development presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers rural development programs and issues in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 64KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 422
P. Lynn Kennedy
Louisiana State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (15 pages).

This sugar presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation discusses sugar provisions and issues in the 2008 Farm Bill. - 639KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 324
Jim Pease
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, July 2008, Material Type: Presentation, (20 pages).

This conservation presentation was presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008, sponsored in part by grants from the North Central Risk Management Education Center and the Farm Foundation. The presentation covers program rules and issues for working lands programs in the conservation title of the 2008 Farm Bill. - 486KB - 9/19/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 515
Wes Harris, Brad Lubben, James Novak, and Larry Sanders
Auburn University, July 2008, Material Type: Bulletin, (49 pages).

This departmental publication provides a summary of key elements of the 2008 Farm Bill relevant to agriculture and rural communities. The paper covers an overview of the bill and a summary of provisions for commodity programs, crop insurance, disaster assistance, conservation, energy, horticulture and organic agriculture, livestock, credit, nutrition, trade, taxes, rural development, research and extension, and forestry. It is a complimentary publication to the materials and presentations presented at the 2008 Farm Bill Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri on July 8-9, 2008. - 157KB - 7/16/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 466
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, June 2008, Material Type: Article, (1 pages).

This analysis provides an initial context for the choice between ACRE’s suite of farm programs and the traditional suite of farm programs. - 89KB - 12/8/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 179
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, June 2008, Material Type: Article, (1 pages).

Summary of the major features of ACRE (Average Crop Revenue Option) program. - 97KB - 12/8/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 193
Wes Harris, Brad Lubben, James Novak, and Larry Sanders
American Agricultural Economics Association, June 2008, Material Type: Bulletin, (8 pages).

This initial issue of Policy Issues from the American Agricultural Economics Association provides a brief overview of the 2008 Farm Bill. It covers key provisions on commodity programs, crop insurance and disaster assistance, conservation, horticulture and organic agriculture, livestock, credit, and international trade in addition to other selected provisions. - 190KB - 7/16/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 373
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, May 2008, Material Type: Article, (4 pages).

Conservation, Trade, Nutrition, Credit, Rural Developement, Research and Related Matters, Forestry, Energy, Horticulture and Organic Agriculture, Livestock, Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance, Commodity Futures, Miscellaneous, and Trade and Tax Provisions are summarized. - 100KB - 12/8/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 208
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, May 2008, Material Type: Article, (3 pages).

Descriptions of the Farm Support options available in the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008. - 113KB - 12/15/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 45
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, May 2008, Material Type: Article, (1 pages).

An Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund is created for disasters that occur before October 1, 2011. The trust fund equals 3.08% of duties collected on articles for consumption under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule during Fiscal Years 2008-11. Five programs are authorized and described. - 56KB - 12/8/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 187
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, October 2007, Material Type: Article, (1 pages).

A summary taken from outlines of the expected mark of the 2007 Farm Bill by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. It focuses on themes that emerge from the outlines and provisions that seem of importance to the author. Others may list other themes and provisions. - 91KB - 12/15/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 63
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, August 2007, Material Type: Article, (1 pages).

Summarizes provisions of the farm bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in July 2007 with focus on price and income supports for field crops. - 149KB - 12/15/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 60
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, August 2007, Material Type: Article, (1 pages).

Summarizes farm bill provisions passed by the U.S. House July 2007 that do not directly pertain to price and income supports for major farm program field crops. - 142KB - 12/15/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 68
Carl Zulauf
Ohio State University, May 2007, Material Type: Article, (2 pages).

Compares key characteristics of the Integrated Farm Revenue Program, National Corn Growers Association’s proposal, Administration’s Counter-Cyclical Revenue Program, and American Farm Bureau Federation’s Counter-Cyclical Revenue Program. - 85KB - 12/20/2008 - Cached
Times Viewed: 47

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