Receiving email alerts

You can be notified when new articles or publications are available on IngentaConnect by setting up New Issue or  Search Alerts.

Five free email alerts can be set up for all electronic titles. If you purchase a license you can set up alerts for all fax or Ariel delivered titles, and create alerts for your searches.

New Issue Alerts

Registered users of IngentaConnect can elect to have the latest tables of contents of up to five publications emailed to them when new issues are available.  To receive New Issue Alerts for more than five titles you will need to purchase an alerting license, which also gives you access to Search Alerts (see below).

If you are working within an institution you may be able to receive unlimited New Issue alerts courtesy of an institutional alerting license if one has been acquired. Please check with your administrator to see if they have a current alerting license. For information on a personal alerting license please contact customer service.

Search Alerts

Search alerts are available to users with an alerting license.  You can purchase a personal alerting license, or you may be covered by an institutional alerting licence. Please check with your administrator.

If you have an alerting license you can set up search alerts for using keyword and/or author searches. You will receive weekly emails containing citations and links to the full article on IngentaConnect.

For information on a personal alerting license please contact customer service.

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+ University of North Texas
+ Center for Research Libraries (CRL)
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