Fulbright Scholar Grants for Institutions
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U.S. Institutions


Fulbright Scholar-In-Residence Program (SIR)

The Worldwide Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program brings visiting scholars and professionals from abroad to lecture at U.S. colleges and universities for one semester or one academic year. Fulbright Scholars-in-Residence can have a significant impact on U.S. colleges and universities. ->More...

Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Direct Access to the Muslim World

The Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program is designed to promote understanding of the Muslim World and civilization by providing opportunities for U.S. higher educational institutions to host specialists from the Muslim World for short-term programs of intensive lecturing and public outreach. ->More...

Fulbright Occasional Lecturer Program (OLP)

The Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) provides travel awards through the Occasional Lecturer Program (OLP), which enable Fulbright Visiting Scholars who are currently in the U.S. to accept guest lecturing invitations at colleges and universities. ->More...

Fulbright European Union SIR Program (EUSIR)

The European Union Scholar-in-Residence (EU SIR) Program is designed to strengthen expertise in European Union affairs. Through an arrangement with the European Union, grants are available to bring European scholars specializing in EU affairs to U.S. campuses as resident fellows for one term of the academic year. ->More...

Joseph Peters
Susan Davidson
Nicholas Sironka
The Fulbright Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. CIES is a division of the Institute of International Education.

© Copyright Council for International Exchange of Scholars . 3007 Tilden Street NW Suite 5L, Washington DC 20008-3009 . Phone: 202-686-4000 . Fax: 202-362-3442 . E-mail: cieswebmaster@cies.iie.org.