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Pruning Western White Pine

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More Featured Publications

Pruning Western White Pine: A Vital Tool for Species Restoration
This practical, full-color, pocket-sized guide will guide you in deciding whether to prune white pine to prevent blister rust disease and in the actual practice of pruning. More...

Idaho Forage Handbook
This comprehensive information source for anyone who grows forage in Idaho or neighboring states covers topics from species and variety selection to pest control to harvest management, hay storage, and production costs. More...

Potato Production Systems
Experts in all phases of potato production collaborated on this comprehensive potato production manual. More...

Idaho's Noxious Weeds
Idaho law classifies 36 of the state's worst weeds as "noxious"; landowners must control them. This booklet makes them easy to identify. More...

Field Guide to the Bark Beetles of Idaho and Adjacent Regions
A practical guide for forest owners and managers, entomologists, and anyone curious about the natural world. (2002.) More...

The Healthy Diabetes Plate Curriculum
The Idaho Plate Method is a unique way to visually teach people who have diabetes about the types of foods they should consume. (2003.) More...

Logging Selectively
A practical field guide to partial timber harvesting in forests of the Inland Northwest and the northern Rocky Mountains. (2000.) More...

Grandparents: Raising Our Children's Children
The book offers grandparents practical advice on the social, emotional, financial and legal aspects of stepping in to raise their grandchildren. (2000.) More...

Identification Keys for Insect Pests in Pacific Northwest Field Crops
A tool for identifying damaging stages of insect pests that commonly occur in Pacific Northwest field crops. (1999.) More...


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