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The latest research, findings and scientific data on compost process control and end product quality
Compost Science  The latest research, findings and scientific data on compost process control and end product quality 


Compost Science & Utilization, (2008), Vol. 16, No. 3, 141

Celebrating 50 Years Of Composting Growth

IN composting circles, much attention is paid to the topic of maturity. While that subject is typically applied to the compost end product, it also can apply to the researchers, project managers, consultants and even a magazine publisher that populate the composting world! BioCycle magazine, (the “parent” of Compost Science & Utilization, well known to most of our readers), is proud to acknowledge 50 years of compost maturity, to be celebrated at the BioCycle International Conference 2009. This special event will take place in San Diego, April 27-30, 2009.

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract on topics related to Composting, Compost Utilization, Waste Diversion and Renewable Energy From Organics Recycling for the BioCycle International Conference 2009. Conference sessions are April 28-29.
Abstracts may be submitted in any of the categories outlined below. If the paper you would like to present does not fit into one of those categories, please send an inquiry to Nora Goldstein, the Conference chair ( Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words. Deadline for submission is October 15, 2008. You will be notified if your paper has been accepted by November 15, 2008. Conference registration fee for speakers is $250; a portion of that fee will be contributed to a BioCycle scholarship fund to be announced at the 50th Anniversary Celebration Conference in April. Please visit for more details and to submit your abstract.
Categories for papers include: International Projects And Research, including Composting, Compost Utilization, Climate Change and Composting, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Communities, Zero Waste, Pollutant and Soil Remediation; Composting Facility Infrastructure Development And Facility Management; Food Waste Diversion From the Institutional, Commercial, Municipal and Industrial Sectors; Anaerobic Digestion, Renewable Energy From Organics Recycling, including Farm Digester Developments, Codigestion Technologies, Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Organics and Cellulosic Biofuels Production; Zero Waste Initiatives; Compost And Digestate Markets and Market Development, including, Compost Use In Sustainable Agriculture and for Erosion Control And Storm Water Management, Digester Solids Refinement and Compost Tea; Regulations, Permitting, Public Policies; Composting, Organics Recycling And Climate Change Connections, including Carbon Credits For Composting And Compost Use, Landfill Methane Avoidance, Environmental Benefits Calculations, Lifecycle Analytical Tools, Emissions Mitigation; Integrating Household Organics Diversion Into Municipal Recycling Programs; Markets For Renewable Power And Fuels; Technologies And Systems To Collect, Manage Organic Waste Streams.
We also ask each of you to suggest the rising as well as mature “stars” whose research has advanced the science and utilization of composting. We plan to recognize these individuals during the BioCycle International Conference as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Please e-mail your list with contact information - along with a brief explanation of why you are suggesting this individual(s) - to us at Hope to see you in April 2009. - Nora Goldstein

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