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Panoramic View, Hot Springs, Arkansas, 1910
All History is Local
Examples of Project Topics

The Arkansas Memory Project Web pages cover a range of historical subjects and time periods, some emphasizing family history, others hometown history, and still others a recurring theme or issue in Arkansas history. All Arkansas Memory Web pages are based on primary source data.

Below are some examples of topics that students chose for the 1999 Arkansas Memory Project, which illustrate the variety of types of primary source materials that can unlock a state's history. The primary sources collected range from things commonly noticed by students (photographs, letters, newspaper clippings, oral history) to things typically overlooked (historical architecture, landmarks, certificates, keepsake clothing) and to the unexpected (court transcripts, streets, and soft drink bottles). In all cases, the students combined primary evidence with secondary sources to analyze their topics.

Family History:

Hometown History:

Arkansas History Topics:

Second Year Student Projects

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Last updated 09/26/2002