
Tina Samuels Contributing Writer
Tina at a Booksigning , (C)Tina Samuels

Having been a full time freelancer for over 15 years, Tina Samuels specializes in health, gardening, and gaming articles. She's written a nonfiction book (A Georgia Native Plant Guide) and has written over 4000 articles for web and print.

Many of her gardening articles stem from avid research, the latest books, and news releases on the current trends in gardening.

Currently Gardening in:

For gaming, she is currently a contributing writer at various sites and at Suite 101. She has three computers set up for various gaming functions, and consoles dating backwards from an XBOX 360 to an Atari 2600.

Currently RPG Gaming in:

  • Titan Quest Immortal Throne
  • Sared Underworld
  • Runescape
  • World of Warcraft