
Karen Plumley

Feature Writer Special Needs Education Feature Writer
Karen Plumley, Freelance Writer, Karen Plumley

Karen Plumley is a stay at home mother of two and a freelance writer specializing in parenting and children's health issues. She is a monthly contributor for Parenting New Hampshire magazine and has also contributed to Stepping Stones NH, a guidebook for people with disabilities and their families. Additionally, Ms. Plumley is a staff writer with the Area News Group covering local news and sporting events, as well as interesting people and topics of historical significance. She has been writing professionally for four years.

Ms. Plumley attained her Bachelor of Science degree (cum laude) in Mathematics from the University of New Hampshire with concentrations in English and Chemistry. She worked for many years as a software engineer before deciding to pursue her passion for writing. Her hobbies include reading, cooking, volunteering at her children's elementary school, holidays, and writing poetry. She is also very proud to have won a silver medal at a competition judged by professional poets for her poem entitled "The Jewelry Box".

Additionally, Suite101 has awarded Ms. Plumley Editor's Choice honors for the following articles: