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In addition to the resources provided below, there is lots more information available on our LINKS page.

Climate Change

Greenhouse Gases and the Role of Composting: A Primer for Producers
What is global climate change and what role do organics have? This fact sheet summarizes how compost production and use can have an impact.

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Keeping Organics Out of Landfills Position Statement
The Bottom Line: The US Composting Council is firmly opposed to landfilling yard debris and other source-separated organics when viable alternatives are available. It is an inefficient way to use our organic feedstocks–wasting resources, reducing recycling, and potentially increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

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Compost Use

Compost and Its Benefits
What is compost and how is it made? This fact sheet summarizes the many physical, chemical and biological benefits that the use of compost brings.

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Compost Use for Planting Bed Establishment
One of the most popular uses for compost products by horticultural professionals and homeowners is amending planting beds for the establishment of various food and ornamental plants. Extracted from the popular publication "Field Guide to Compost Use," this fact sheet includes step-by-step instructions for the incorporation of compost to enhance garden beds.

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Compost Use for Stormwater Management
This fact sheet summarizes stormwater management practices that utilize compost. This includes rain gardens and other bioretention areas, infiltration zones, green roofs, compost blankets, compost berms and compost socks.

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Using Compost for Reducing Water Pollution
Water pollution is a fact of modern life. This factsheet reviews the primary ways that compost can be used to address water pollution: through pollution prevention, bioremediation, and stormwater management.

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Engineered Soils and Landscape Systems DVD
Find out how engineered soils can retain stormwater runoff and improve water quality. Copies of the DVD are available or simply download it to your computer.

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Soil Amendment and Compost Product Claims
Product benefits for compost as a soil amendment have been verified through research. This is a list of allowable product claims by suppliers or manufacturers which are supported by research.

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Conference Proceedings

2006 Conference Proceedings
Papers and Presentations from the USCC 14th Annual Conference and Tradeshow in Albuquerque, NM, Jan 22-25, 2006. Click on the "download" link to see a list of the presentations and authors. The Proceedings are free to all attendees. Send us an email to find out how to access them if you were an attendee, or how to purchase them if you missed it. If you are a member simply log in and you can access the full proceedings.

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2007 Conference Proceedings
Papers and Presentations from the USCC 15th Annual Conference and Tradeshow in Orlando, FL, Jan 21-24, 2007. Click on the "download" link to see a list of the presentations and authors. The Proceedings are free to all attendees. Send us an email to find out how to access them if you were an attendee, or how to purchase them if you missed it. If you are a member simply log in and you can access the full proceedings.

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2008 Conference Proceedings
Papers and Presentations from the USCC 16th Annual Conference and Tradeshow in Oakland, CA, Feb. 10-12, 2008 Click on the "download" link to see a list of the presentations and authors. The Proceedings are free to all attendees. Send us an email to find out how to access them if you were an attendee, or how to purchase them if you missed it. If you are a member simply log in and you can access the full proceedings.

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Fighting Landfill Ban Repeals

Reasons to oppose MI SB864, repealing Michigan's ban on yard debris disposal
This paper for JD Lindeberg and Mike Csapo explain why MI 864 is bad for the economy and the environement. NOTE: This document is placed for the convenience of our members. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the USCC or our sponsors.

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Health and Safety

Endotoxins are ubiquitous, airborne cell fragments found in concentrations where dry organic materials are processed or disturned, such as barns, grain mills and paper recyclers. This fact sheet by Elliott Epstein reviews the health effects of endotoxins and describes the risks to composters and the general public.

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Joint USCC/SWANA Position on Bioreactors
Composting and bioreactor landfills are two distinct and compatible approaches for improving solid waste management. While some people consider these technologies as conflicting, SWANA and the USCC believe that they each serve beneficial but different roles and different functions in integrated waste management.

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