
Grace Lichtenstein

Feature Writer Senior Adventures Feature Writer
Grace Lichtenstein, K. Lyons

I prefer "seasoned" to "senior" but whatever term you use, I have been an outdoor adventurer for most of my adult years. As The New York Times' first female regional bureau chief, I roamed the Rockies covering news about ranging from Coors to coal mining, skiing to ice-sailing, and everything in between. As a travel writer I have told the world about my own adventures -- such as riding my bicycle cross-country at age 50 to raise money for breast cancer research. Magazine credits: AARP Magazine, Smithsonian, and Esquire, to name a few. Books: Machisma: Women and Daring, and Musical Gumbo: The Music of New Orleans. I also have written for online sites since 1995, and I publish 2 blogs, Vacation Home Insider. and Cycling for Boomers...Plus. I hope you'll check my space often to learn about such activities as cruising,, skiing, bicycle touring,, poking around archeological digs in Mexico, and other adventurous trips, tours and experiences worldwide. Also -- the lowdown on airlines good and bad, senior-travel clubs and educational groups such as Elderhostel. I'll show you how to stay healthy and safe while on vacation, where to meet other senior adventurers and where to find items such as sun-protective apparel, boots and other adventure-travel gear suited for seniors.