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Additional resources from the Cornell Waste Management Institute

The resources listed below are available from the following address unless otherwise noted:

Cornell University Resource Center
PO Box 3884
Ithaca, NY 14850-3884
Phone: 607-255-2080
Fax: 607-255-9946
Cornell Cooperative Extension On-Line Catalog


Composting Challenges and Solutions in New York State - 1998 (pdf format)
A Summary of the series of Rountables conducted in Upstate NY in the summer of 1998.
Reducing the NYC Waste Stream: The Potential Role for Composting - 1998
A Summary of the April 3, 1998 Composting Roundtable.
Master Composter Program Implementation Guide & Master Composter Resource Manual by CWMI - 1998
A sourcebook for Master Composters and Educators.
Composting in the Classroom: Scientific Inquiry for High School Students, by Nancy Trautmann and Marianne Krasny - 1997
A comprehensive guide for teachers interested in guiding composting research projects by high school students. ISBN 0-7872-4433-3. Available from Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1-800-228-0810 (US) or 1-319-589-1000 (International).
Agricultural Composting: A Feasibility Study for New York Farms - 1993
Supported by the NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets, this study explores equipment and labor costs, land and management requirements.
MSW Composting Fact Sheet Series - 1993
Seven fact sheets developed from a special issue of Biomass & Bioenergy, 4-6 pgs. each. Produced by the Cornell Waste Management Institute.
On-Farm Composting Handbook - 1992
RoseValleyFarm Comprehensive, up-to-date guide on many aspects of farm-scale composting. Produced by and available from the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES), Cornell University, 152 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853; 607-255-7654; 186 pgs, $25 (NRAES-54).
Municipal Yard Waste Composting: Operator's Fact Sheets - 1992
Ten fact sheets covering the different aspects of operating a composting facility. Produced by Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering at Cornell University.
Composting to Reduce the Waste Stream: A Guide to Small Scale Food and Yard Waste Composting-1991
Explains how to construct and maintain a compost pile. Outlines factors that affect the composting process including aeration, moisture and temperature. Illustrations, tables, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions for constructing compost bins. Produced by and available from the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES), Cornell University, 152 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853; 607-255-7654, $8 (NRAES-43).
Composting: Waste to Resources
A 36 page guide on the how-to's of composting for the beginner, including youth and educators, also two posters and designs for compost systems. Available from Cornell Resource Center, $8.95 (147CWRF).
Economics of Yard Waste Composting in Westchester County, NY
Report shows that home, municipal and regional composting of yard waste can reduce the net economic and environmental costs of solid waste management in Westchester County. Available from Dept of Ag Econ, Publications, Warren Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853; 607-255-2102.
Fact Sheet and Viewpoint 2: "Yard Waste Composting," and "Composting as a Waste Management Strategy
Produced by the Cornell University Waste Management Institute. 4 pgs. each.
Home Composting Brochure
A 4-page "how-to" fact sheet containing information about food and yard waste composting. Available from the Cornell Waste Management Institute.


COMPOST: Truth or Consequences - 1998
A 15-minute video designed for people who would like to take the mystery out of home composting. The information is presented in an informal, entertaining way to make learning about composting fun! 15 min. $25 (174VCTC)
It's Gotten Rotten - 1996
A 20-minute video designed to introduce high school students to the science of composting. It focuses primarily on the biology of the invertebrates and microorganisms that decompose organic matter. Available from Cornell University Resource Center. 20 min. $26.25 (#16431).
Recycling Yard Waste, A Tour of Community Programs - 1991
A 35-minute video showing different municipalities recycling yard waste through composting and chipping as an alternative to traditional waste disposal techniques. Produced to help local officials and citizens make informed choices about managing municipal yard waste. Available from Cornell University Resource Center, $26.25 (#16457).
Turning Over an Old Leaf: The 20% Solution - 1992
A 7-minute video produced to help citizens and local officials understand how composting and chipping yard wastes can save them money. Available from Cornell University Resource Center, $23.25 (#16458).


Science &

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All material is protected by Section 107of the 1976 copyright law. Copyright © is held by Cornell University. If you intend to use this material, please acknowledgeits author and source.

For specific comments related to this page, please contact the Cornell Waste Management Institute.

This page was created on August 3, 1995
This page was last updated on September 2004