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Partnership for Rural Nebraska

Partnership for Rural Nebraska

A commitment by the State of Nebraska, University of Nebraska, Federal Government and Regional Groups

Partner Agencies and Organizations

The Partnership for Rural Nebraska (PRN) is composed of:

  • State of Nebraska (represented by the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Environmental Quality)
  • Federal government (represented by USDA Rural Development and Natural Resources Conservation Services {RC&D})
  • University of Nebraska (represented by the Center for Applied Rural Innovation {CARI} and the Rural Initiative)
  • Regional Groups (represented by the seven Nebraska Regional Groups)

Joining the PRN

We believe that any entity that is active in rural economic development should be given the opportunity to participate in the PRN. If you are not an active participant, we invite you to consider joining. Depending on the structure of your organization, you may want to participate as a member of the PRN governing board or you may want to have your staff participate in one of the seven regional networks.

There are no formal membership requirements. However, the PRN's success relies on the commitment of its members. The minimum commitment is your time. We hope that you or a staff member would attend a majority of PRN-sponsored meetings.

Because the Partnership operates on a small financial budget, we would also ask that members organizations consider a financial contribution. This contribution is not mandatory for membership as some organizations do not have the legal capability to donate. But a financial contribution to the PRN is a solid investment in the future of rural Nebraska.

If you or your organization are interested in becoming a member of the Partnership, contact us today.