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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Center for Applied Rural Innovation

Dennis Kahl

Dennis Kahl
Dennis Kahl
107 Mussehl Hall
Lincoln, NE 68583-0714
Phone: 402-472-5602

Kahls' field experience with Extension has provided him with a real understanding of the needs, structures, social and political issues that rural communities deal with. He has sought to fine-tune his knowledge and skills to assist communities and organizations in their planning and development processes both locally and in southeast Nebraska.

Kahl's strengths are in technology training and leadership development. He is a member of the IT Educator team that manages and teaches eKnowledge, eBusiness, Access E-Government, Farming with Computer Technologies, Internet Safety and Podcasting programs, and is an instructor for the E-Retailing Worhshops that have been conducted in a number of communities across the state. Kahl is on the Technologies Across Nebraska team that is has established a state-wide technology partnership to bring broad band-width access to rural communities so they might compete and support themselves in the future.

Kahl has a depth of knowledge in leadership development having been a participant in Nebraska LEAD, has developed and coordinated a six county PEARL Leadership Program and is presently state contact for LeadershipPLENTY, a Pew Partnership for Civic Change curriculum which is based on the idea that there is plenty of leadership in every community but it needs to be cultivated.  He has personally helped develop LeadershipPlenty classes in Butler and Seward counties and teaches a part of the curriculum in all of the groups across the state.

Kahl has made exciting, motivational presentations to chamber of commerces and other civic organizations about the importance of capitalizing on the new technologies that are available. He has worked with local IT committees to develop county wide technology surveys and has helped counties find resources to develop county-wide web portals to better market their region.

Kahl is a graduate of the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources with a Bachelors in Animal Science and Ag Economics and Masters degree in Adult and Continuing Education.

Program goals for the next five years

  • Increase the ability of individuals, businesses and organizations to utilize technology to their advantage.
  • Promote and facilitate economic growth and profitability to rural communities.
  • To be a leader and trainer in the use of technology in the community and district.
  • Maintain contacts with extension professionals across the nation.
  • Train leaders to make an economic difference in their region.