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The New Rules Project - Designing Rules As If Community Matters

The Hometown Advantage e-Bulletin

The Hometown Advantage Bulletin is a newsletter reporting on efforts nationwide to stop chain store proliferation and support locally owned, independent retail businesses. Learn about land use policies and other tools that can protect the character and vitality of your hometown. Find out how other communities are bucking the "big box" retail trend and encouraging small-scale, homegrown businesses - and why this approach is proving far more beneficial to the local economy. Plus, news on e-commerce, independent business alliances, development subsidies, franchisee legislation, and all the latest resources.

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Democratic Energy e-Bulletin

The Democratic Energy Bulletin is an ongoing publication reporting on the emerging debate between energy centralists and energy decentralists, between those who favor absentee ownership and regulation and those who favor local ownership and control.

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New Rules Project News e-Bulletin

The New Rules News Bulletin gives an update on the New Rules Project and provides subscribers with a periodic update on new additions to this web site.

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Preemption Watch

Preemption Watch is a monthy online newsletter. While we try our best to accentuate the positive, we recognize the negative: the disturbing and seemingly accelerating tendency by the federal government to undermine and even to preempt local and state initiatives. Preemption Watch reports on these developments.

ATM Surcharge Bulletin

The ATM Surcharge Bulletin reported on preemption issues and the impact of ATM surcharges on community-based banks and credit unions and tracks legislative developments to ban the fees. This Bulletin is no longer being produced.

Family Farm Rules Bulletin

The Family Farm Rules Bulletin reported from the front lines on efforts to shape rules that promote strong agricultural communities. This bulletin is no longer being produced.

Community Defense Alerts

This bulletin is no longer being produced. See back issues below.

ATM Surcharge Bulletin (no longer produced)

Issue Eleven - August 2002

Issue Ten - May 2002

Issue Nine - December 2001

Issue Eight - January 2001

Issue Seven - June 2000

Issue Six - March 2000

Issue Five - October 1999

Issue Four - July 1999

Issue Three - May 1999

Issue Two - April 1999

Issue One - March 1999

Family Farm Rules Bulletin (no longer produced)

Issue Four - October 2000

Issue Three - May 2000

Issue Two - January 2000

Issue One - November 1999

Microradio Bulletin and Alert (no longer produced)

Issue Two - March 2000

Issue One - May 1999

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