Holiday Closing: The Library will be closed on Monday, January 19 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

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Featured Collections

January: Make Something of Your Winter!

Looking for ways to stay busy and save money this winter? Whether you want to re-use or renew, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s craft and do-it-yourself collections can help you make the most of what you have!



December: Let's Get Cooking!

Move over Martha Stewart. Plan the perfect holiday event that guests will be talking about for years. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection is full of creative cooking and decorating ideas to make the most of your holidays.


November: Holiday Survival Guide

We have you covered this holiday season. From dealing with your in-laws, to planning the perfect holiday gathering, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection can help you keep your sanity.


October: What's Your Sign?

Feeling a little supernatural? Uncover the unexplained with Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection on the occult and astrology.


September: Your Right to Read:
The Fight Against Censorship

Feeling a little rebellious? Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection is home to some of the most controversial books in history. You might be surprised at what made the list!


August: Words Have No Borders

Do the Olympics have you in the mood for some international flavor? Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection of world fiction and international poetry takes the gold medal.


July: Oh, That's Gross!

Impress your friends. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection has information on everything that makes your skin crawl and your stomach turn.


June: Get the Reading Bug

Whether you're fascinated by things that sting or you are itching for some good fiction, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection will help you catch that reading bug!


May: These Boots Are Made for Walking

Time to come out of winter hibernation and take in the fresh air! Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's materials on outdoor pursuits offer information on where to go and what to do when you get there.


April: Isn't It Romantic?

Don't let the rainy days in April dampen your spirits. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection of romance novels, feature movies and music will put you in a romantic mood.


March: Girl Power: Women Through History

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection will show you how the strength of women throughout history has made a difference in Pittsburgh and the world.


February: Face the Music: Jazz in Pittsburgh and Beyond

Louis Armstron...Miles Davis...New Orleans...Pittsburgh? Find your inner musician through books, music and film at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.