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International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry. It is celebrated annually in the first full week of May each year.

 ICAW is a multi-media publicity and education event that showcases composting and compost products. It features composting in your back yard or at large scale commercial composting facilities.

For the past 13 years ICAW has grown in both strength and numbers of celebrants through its sponsors and compost advocates. Compost Awareness Week serves the important role of bringing the Compost! message to the attention of the public, businesses and other groups. Communities and government agencies, as well as members of the composting industry, utilize the week to promote their specific Compost! message and programs.

To bring positive attention to the possibilities that composting can provide to communities, ICAW was designed to rally composting advocates and build awareness in every community. Compost discussions, State ICAW Proclamations, promotions with local dealers and landscape supply stores, informal lectures by well-known gardening experts, backyard composting bin promotions and urban gardening programs are examples of how municipalities and public and private groups can be involved.

Browse the Compost Week menu for tools and ideas to help YOU celebrate International Compost Awareness Week!