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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Center for Applied Rural Innovation

CARI Outreach Programs

Business Development

The business development programs have been created and designed to help existing business grow and new businesses develop. We understand that today's ever changing business world has many demands, and these programs work to help owners meet those demands.

Community Development

Rural communities are Nebraska’s backbone and they need to be preserved. The community development programs center on the growth of rural communities and the support of small businesses. To keep our rural communities alive, we must work together to stay up to date on technology, government changes and economic developments.

Information Technology

In the fast-paced world of the 21st century, the challenges of staying up-to-date with technology are greater than ever. Information technology programs have been created to fill the gap and help people understand the software available to improve their day-to-day activities. This technology is diverse and up-to-date to help with everything from basic computer knowledge to software designed for community development or agricultural operations.

Leadership & Youth

Building on our strengths and developing new ideas are essential to our future. The leadership and youth programs are designed to help people of all ages to develop strong leadership skills and recognize the importance of community involvement.

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is economically profitable, environmentally sound and socially viable for the long term. Nebraska’s economic dependence on agriculture makes sustainability even more important. CARI projects in sustainable agriculture include the Integrated Farm Project, Buy Fresh—Buy Local and many other land-use outreach programs.