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I Have an Appointment to See Mr. Chapman at Ten Thirty

M3/24 English Lesson FIB 9C-8 - Download (MP3) audio clip
M3/24 English Lesson FIB 9C-8 - Listen to (MP3) audio clip

Hasnain Aslam talks to his virtual receptionist, Saada Musa
FIB VOA Jingle

Functioning In Business, FIB 9C-8

Saly:   Lao Opening

FIB    Opening

Focus on Functions:      Requesting Help


Larry:      Focus on Functions:      Requesting Help


Saly:    How to make requests in Lao.


Larry:      Listen and Repeat.


Saly:        Instruction in Lao


Larry:      Could you help me for a minute?


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:      Sure.


(pause for repeat)



Larry:      Could you try to figure out what’s wrong?


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:      OK.


(pause for repeat)



Larry:      Would you mind checking the cable for me?


(pause for repeat)


Eliz:          No, not at all.


(pause for repeat)




Gary’s Tips:      Offers and Requests


Larry:      Gary’s Tips.


Saly:    Explanations about Gary's Tips in






Eliz:      Now it’s time for Gary’s Tips with Gary Engleton!


Gary:      Hello, Elizabeth!   Today I’ll be talking about offers and requests.


                  When Ms. Silverstone greets Mr. Blake, she asks him some questions.


                  Notice that the expression “Can I...”can be used to make an offer or to request information.


                  Listen to this conversation:


Sil:            Good morning, sir.  Can I help you?


Blake:      Yes.  I have an appointment to see Mr. Chapman, Stewart Chapman, at ten thirty.


Sil:            Oh, Mr. Chapman.  Can I have your name please?


Blake:      Yes.  The name is Blake, Charles Blake of International Robotics.


Gary:      When Ms. Silverstone says, “Can I help you?” she is offering to help.


                  But when she says, “Can I have your name, please?” she is requesting information.



                  Today’s Business Dialog also includes examples of both offers and requests.


                  First, Jerry asks for help and uses the expression “Could you help me for a minute?”


                  Carol answers with an offer to help:  “What can I do for you?”


                  Let’s listen.


Jerry:       Uh, Carol. Could you help me for a minute?


Carol:      Sure, Jerry.  What can I do for?


Jerry:      Well, I can’t print this document.


Gary:      Later, Jerry uses the expression “Would you mind...” to ask for help.


                  Let’s listen:


Jerry:      Would you mind checking the cable for me?


Carol:       No, not at all.


Gary:         The expressions “Could you?” and “Would you mind?” are two ways to request help.


                  But notice that the response to these requests is different.


                  When someone asks Could you do something, you say “Yes” or “Sure”  if you will do it, as in the Business Dialog:


Jerry:      Could you help me for a minute?


Carol:      Sure, Jerry.


Gary:         But when someone asks Would you mind doing something, you say “no” or “not at all” if you will do it, as in this example:


Jerry:      Would you mind checking the cable for me?


Carol:       No, not at all.


Gary:      Thanks for joining us today for Gary’s Tips.  We’ll see you again next time!





Saly:   Going over in Lao the following form of request.                     



               Jerry: Could you help me for a minute?


               Carol: Sure, Jerry.      


Saly:    Showing the two forms of



                  Would you mind helping me for a minute?


                   No, not at all.



FIB Closing


Eliz:      Well, our time is up.  Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business.  See you then!


FIB MUSIC lead-in and then dips for voice over



MUSIC up and then fade





Project Head and Lead Writer:  Andrew Blasky, Ph.D.

Writers: Kevin McClure, Charles H. Brewer III, Catherine Becket

Consultants:  Michael Yan, Lance Knowles, Elizabeth Chafcouloff, Margaret Boothroyd



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