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I Have an Appointment to See Mr. Chapman, Stewart Chapman, at Ten Thirty

F2/15 English Lesson FIB 9C-5 - Download (MP3) audio clip
F2/15 English Lesson FIB 9C-5 - Listen to (MP3) audio clip

Hasnain Aslam talks to his virtual receptionist, Saada Musa
FIB VOA Jingle

Functioning In Business, FIB 9C-5

Saly:   Opening

FIB     Opening


FIB MUSIC lead-in and then background


Eliz:      Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore.  Welcome to Functioning in Business!


MUSIC swells and fades


Larry:      Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture.


                  Today’s unit is “A  New Customer, Part 3.”


                 This program focuses on Offers and Requests.




Interview:      Receptionist at Federal Motors


Larry:      Interview




·                           a receptionist      Lao Translation 

·                           an administrative assistant  Lao translation    


Eliz:      Today, we’re talking to Ms. Sylvia Silverstone of Federal Motors.


                  Ms. Silverstone was the receptionist who greeted Mr. Blake on his first visit to Federal Motors.


SFX:       Phone beep


Eliz:      Hello, Ms. Silverstone.


Sil:      Hello. 


Eliz:      Today, we are listening to a conversation you had with Mr. Charles Blake of International Robotics in June of last year.


Sil:            Oh, yes.  I remember.


                  Mr. Blake arrived at our office expecting to meet with Mr. Chapman.


Eliz:      Let's listen to that conversation.



Dialog:      FIB Dialog, Blake at Federal Motors


Larry:      Dialog


Saly :        The word dialog in Lao 


 Larry:        Mr. Blake has an appointment to see Mr. Chapman, but Mr. Chapman is out of town.


Saly :     Instructions in Lao   


Sil:            Good morning, sir.  Can I help you?


Blake:      Yes.   I have an appointment to see Mr. Chapman, Stewart Chapman, at ten thirty.


Sil:            Oh, Mr. Chapman.  Can I have your name please?


Blake:      Yes.  The name is Blake, Charles Blake of International Robotics.


Sil:            All right, thank you.  Just a moment please.




                   Yes, there’s a Mr. Blake here to see Mr. Chapman.


                   Oh, I see, thank you.




                   Uh, Mr. Blake.  I’m sorry. Mr. Chapman is not here today.


Blake:        Uh-huh...


Sil:            Uh, but there’s a Mr. Gomez who can come talk to you.


                   Would you take a chair and wait for a moment?


Blake:      Okay, sure.  Thank you.


Sil:            Thank you.




Language Focus:      Variations


Larry:      Variations. 


                  Listen to these variations. 


 Saly :   Instructions in Lao     


Eliz:          I have an appointment to see Mr. Chapman.


Larry:        I’m here to see Mr. Chapman.




Eliz:      Can I have your name please?


Larry:      Could you please give me your name?





Eliz:          The name is Blake, Charles Blake.


Larry:        My name is Charles Blake.




Eliz:          I’m sorry. Mr. Chapman is not here today.


Larry:        I’m afraid that Mr. Chapman isn’t here today.




Eliz:      Would you take a chair and wait for a moment?


Larry:      Would you mind waiting here for a moment?






Saly:         Brief explanation in Lao the above dialog                        


Sil:            Good morning, sir.  Can I help you?


Blake:      Yes.   I have an appointment to see Mr. Chapman, Stewart Chapman, at ten thirty.


Sil:            Oh, Mr. Chapman.  Can I have your name please?


Blake:      Yes.  The name is Blake, Charles Blake of International Robotics.


Sil:            All right, thank you.  Just a moment please. (pause)


                   Yes, there’s a Mr. Blake here to see Mr. Chapman.




                Oh, I see, thank you.




                   Uh, Mr. Blake.  I’m sorry. Mr. Chapman is not here today.


Blake:        Uh-huh...


Sil:            Uh, but there’s a Mr. Gomez who can come talk to you.




FIB            Closing



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