Plants & Animals

Plants & Animals

Editor: Barbara Nicholson Bell
Barbara Bell, photo by Barbara Bell

All living things matter and this is the place to learn about them in all their fascinating diversity! Our natural world of plants and animals is covered in such topics as birds, cats, dogs, horses, other mammals, and even insects - and you can enjoy them in more depth by learning about pet care. We pay attention to the value of wildlife conservation, as well.

The writers at Botany will help you learn the science and the writers of plants and bulbs, landscaping, organic gardening, houseplants, flower gardens, desert/water-wise gardening, vegetable and water gardens will put it into practical perspective for you.

feature articles
Plants & Animals

Iditarod 2009

In: Dogs

By: Feature Writer Joy Butler

The Last Great Race on Earth, a grueling dog event that has been protested by some, requires much training and preparation of the huskies and mushers. more...

Elephant Sanctuary Habitat in Tennessee

In: Mammal Habitats

By: Feature Writer Christine Nyholm

The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee gives the huge mammals room to roam after retirement from zoos and circuses. The 2700 acre habitat cares for needy elephants. more...

How to Introduce a New Cat into Your Household

In: Cat Care

By: Feature Writer Helen Krasner

Introducing a cat to your home and family must be done carefully, whether you are buying a kitten or taking on an older cat. A longstanding cat owner offers some advice. more...

Obamas: Portuguese Water Dog or Labradoodle?

In: Pet Care

By: Feature Writer Mia Carter

Barack Obama promised the kids a dog after the election ended. The election is over and the Obama family has narrowed it down to a Labradoodle or Portuguese Water Dog. more...

The Medicinal Herb Rosemary

In: Medicinal Plants

By: Feature Writer Sharon Falsetto

Rosemary is one of the oldest healing herbs and is popular in today's herb gardens; Rosemary is both a culinary and medicinal herb, with many healing properties. more...

How to Treat Plant Disease and Damage

In: Houseplants

By: Feature Writer Susan Walsh

Like people, houseplants can get sick or injured. Sometimes it's a fungus, a cold draft, or a curious pet. Here's how to nurse them back to health! more...

Grow Baptisia Geranium Calamintha and Sporobolus

In: Flower Gardens

By: Feature Writer Christine Eirschele

Grouping of plants makes a sustainable perennial garden easier to grow. One plant community includes Baptisia, Geranium, Calamintha and Sporobolus. more...

All feature articles in Plants & Animals

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