Mind & Soul

Mind & Soul

Editor: Lisa Manfield
Lisa Manfield, Angela Fama

Join us as we discuss what it means to live a meaningful life. Learn about Eastern and Western religions, and paganism. Discuss personal ethical dilemmas, and learn how to cope with grief.

Here you will find your weekly horoscope, and can learn how to meditate. Consider the ideas of the great minds of our world, and marvel at paranormal events.

If you are looking to broaden your mind, you've come to the right place. Check out our wide range of articles with food for both your mind and your soul.

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feature articles
Mind & Soul

Is Old Hag Syndrome Sleep Paralysis?

In: Paranormal

By: Feature Writer Jill Stefko

Old Hag was known in ancient times. Electroencephalography's invention in the 1950s paved the way for sleep pattern research and investigating sleep paralysis. more...

John Dalton Biography

In: Great Scientists

By: Feature Writer Tel Asiado

Brief biography of John Dalton, scientist and weather pioneer who established the modern concept of atoms known as Dalton's Atomic Theory. more...

Religious Freedom Day Celebrated by Americans

In: Religious Freedom

By: Feature Writer Martha R. Gore

On January 16, 1786, the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom drafted by Thomas Jefferson, and passed on that day is still proclaimed by every U.S President. more...

Scorpio Love and Friendship

In: Astrological Sun Signs

By: Feature Writer Jennifer Copley

Intense, passionate, and intuitive, Scorpios form deep, powerful connections with friends and lovers. more...

Libra Love and Friendship

In: Astrological Sun Signs

By: Feature Writer Jennifer Copley

Peaceful, reasonable Libras are pleasant, charming company for friends and lovers, though they have a tendency to be indecisive and conflict-avoidant. more...

Virgo Love and Friendship

In: Astrological Sun Signs

By: Feature Writer Jennifer Copley

The typical Virgo, though not particularly romantic, is a diplomatic, undemanding, humble, and thoughtful companion. more...

Leo Love and Friendship

In: Astrological Sun Signs

By: Feature Writer Jennifer Copley

Generous, passionate, protective, and traditional, Leos require a lot of attention and affection, but have a lot to offer in return. more...

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