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Internet Site Review

Please note that this section is an archive (last updated in June 2006). [disclaimer]

Sections:   Overview | Instrument Reviews | Construct Overviews | Book Compendium Reviews | Internet Site Reviews

Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)



CAPS is a theory-based research organization whose aim is to provide resources for scientific advancement in the prevention of AIDS. By addressing multicultural differences in its research efforts, investigators affect theory, practice, and policy of AIDS prevention.

Types of Information or Instruments:

The surveys were designed for use by HIV prevention program planners and designers. Some of the sample constructs assessed include homonegativity, depression, and condom use.

Quantity of Instruments:

They have provided survey instruments within 11 categories dealing with issues such as condom use among Hispanics, sexuality and sexual practices, and AIDS/HIV education. Information is provided on 20 instruments.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

The descriptions for each of the instruments vary from being detailed (Condom Use Among Hispanics) to being very brief (Ways of Coping-Spanish version). Multiple references are provided for each measure.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

There are essentially no psychometric evaluations of the scales. Alpha coefficients are reported for only a few instruments. For instruments with multiple subscales, alphas are reported for the subscales.

Scale accessibility:

Provides actual text for a number of surveys. Some of these are measures with scoring instructions. The main instruments page provides separate links to each of the questionnaires.

Site provides actual scale items:

The site does contain actual scale items with most in HTML format and the remainder as PDFs or Microsoft® Word documents.

User-friendly navigation:

The menu is designed for ease of navigation. The side menu is helpful, and most links are internal to the site.

Other types of Information:

There is a great deal of prevention and education material available on this site, such as training manuals, curricula, reports and articles. In addition to instruments, information is also reported about AIDS prevention training fellowships in epidemiology and public health at the center. Also, there are some qualitative interview and focus group questions.


Questionnaires that address Hispanic or Latino cultures are available in Spanish and English languages. This is a good site, but specific in its scope.


Disease-specific Outcomes > HIV/AIDS

[Updated 2003-06-04 12:37:00.0]