
The lab measuring the life in your soil


Compost Tea Manual 5th ed
Now available!
Information here




Flowerfield Enterprises

“Bringing Soil Back to Health” January 14th, 2009:

Dr. E.R. Ingham, renowned soil expert, to speak at Riviera Theatre, Three Rivers, Michigan Flowerfield Enterprises presents “Bringing Soil Back to Health” seminar Wed January 14, 2009 Flowerfield Enterprises of Portage, Michigan announces today that renowned soil scientist, author, and lecturer Dr. Elaine Ingham will present a one day workshop entitled “Bringing Soil Back to Health” at the newly renovated Riviera Theatre in Three Rivers, Michigan on Wednesday, January 14, 2009. The Principles of the Soil Foodweb as developed by Dr. Ingham at the Sustainable Studies Institute in Corvallis, Oregon will be discussed. The focus of the upcoming event is the implementation of programs for growers which would reduce pesticide use by 99%, reduce inorganic fertilizer inputs by more than 50%, reduce water use by 25% to 75%, and increase root depth, root surface area, and tilth.

Registration for the January 14th event is available at Flowerfield Enterprises website, or contact by email or by calling 800 587 1478 or 269 327-0108. The seminar will run from 9am to 5pm with lunch provided. The cost is $50 for single attendee; $45 for students; $90 for pairs


Registration Form(pdf 138k)


Soil Foodweb Oregon (Corvallis)

February, 2009 : Dr. Elaine Ingham will teach the three core workshops and the microscope class in Corvallis, Oregon. Details on the location will be included in the confirmation letters for those who register. Includes classroom instruction and hands-on laboratory work. To register, download the corresponding registration form linked below, or simply give us a call. For more information, you can also download this in-depth description of the three core workshops (pdf 12K).


Core Workshops and Light Microscope class, February 2009:

registration limited to 30 for the core workshops, and limited to 20 attendees for the microscope class.

February 23-24, 2009
Workshop: Introduction to the Soil Foodweb (2 days)

Cost: $400 per person
February 25, 2009
Workshop: Compost Technology (1 day)

Cost: $250 per person
February 26, 2009
Workshop: Compost Tea Technology (1 day)

Cost: $250 per person

February 27, 2009
Light Microscope Methods class (1 day)

Cost: $200 per person

(Attendees must bring their own microscopes.)

The one day Light Microscope Class will give you the ability to assess your own compost teas. Discover the difference between fungal hyphae and organic matter. Recognize bacteria, protozoa and nematodes.
All supplies will be provided in the class as part of the fee, as well as the new Microscope Manual. Attendees must bring their own microscopes.

Two microscopes have been recommended by Dr. Ingham:

  • J series - around $400 depending on vendor
  • Leica CME - $1100-1500 depending on vendor

When given a chance to compare these two microscopes side by side, most people prefer the Leica for its higher quality optics and strong, clear light source. The J series is the least expensive scope we have seen that meets the minimum technical requirements for the methods Dr. Ingham teaches.

If you want to bring your own microscope, please examine the specific requirements listed on the registration form, and be prepared to upgrade if necessary.


The registration form (pdf 83k) can also be sent to you by email, fax, or postal mail on request. For these or any other requests, call (541) 257-2614 or email





Canada (West)


The calendar is on the main site for Soil Foodweb Canada (West).



Canada (East)


Here is the calendar for Soil Foodweb Canada East.





The Australia calendar is on the site for Soil Foodweb Institute, Australia.


New Zealand



(Contact New Zealand lab for New Zealand calendar.)



Australia calendar events


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