News & Events

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The latest on news and events can be found in this section. Under the “Latest News” and “Press Release” sections you can find past USCC newsletters and, for members, the current newsletter. Details of the latest news event can also be found here.

The Events Calendar contains dates for upcoming for trainings, conferences and educational opportunities. You can also submit your own event.

Latest News

Date Headline
December 26, 2008 Members, Have You Logged In?
December 26, 2008 Compost Communicator 2009 Conference Edition
December 4, 2008 2009 ICAW Poster Contest
August 28, 2008 International Compost Awareness Week for 2009: May 3 to 9

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Press Releases

Date Headline
March 12, 2008 2008 International Compost Awareness Week
March 4, 2008 USCC 2008 Conference a Great Success

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Event Calendar

Headline Start Date End Date
USCC 17th Annual Conference and Trade Show January 26, 2009 January 29, 2009
BioCycle International Conference 2009: Composting, Waste Diversion & Renewable Energy April 27, 2009 April 30, 2009
3rd International Symposium on Management of Animal Carcasses, Tissue, & Related Byproducts - Connecting Research, Regulations and Response July 21, 2009 July 23, 2009

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