Reading & Literature

Reading & Literature

Editor: Julie Burtinshaw
Julie, Fama Photography

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feature articles
Reading & Literature

The Spenserian Sonnet

In: British Poetry

By: Feature Writer Linda Sue Grimes

Edmund Spenser's sonnets offer a variant of the English sonnet, differing in rime scheme, but similarly featuring three quatrains and a couplet. more...

A Brief History of Persuader on TV

In: Graphic Novels/Comics

By: Feature Writer James Richardson

Part of the Fatal Five, Persuader is a formidable foe for the Legion of Super Heroes. Any time the Legion appears on screen, Persuader isn't far behind. more...

Reviewing When Elephants Weep

In: Science/Tech Books

By: Feature Writer James Richardson

Science tends to look askew at the idea of studying emotion in the animal kingdom, largely because the evidence is almost exclusively anecdotal, much like the book. more...

Book Review of The Folklore of Discworld

In: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction

By: Feature Writer Susan Whelan

Author Sir Terry Pratchett and leading British folklorist Jacqueline Simpson explore the influence of folklore on the characters, events and history of the Discworld. more...

An Interview With Vamp and Tramp

In: Art Books

By: Feature Writer Kiki Anderson

Fine press and artists' books dealer Vicky Stewart discusses the appeal of this art form. Both tactile and visual, books made by artists offer meaning and delight. more...

Conan Doyle's Wallet - Patrick McNamara

In: Spirituality Books

By: Feature Writer Sandra Williams

Patrick McNamara wrote this book about Sir Authur Conan Doyle and his clairvoyant communications after winning his wallet at an auction. more...

Fowl Language by D.L. Garfinkle

In: Young Adult Fiction

By: Feature Writer Elizabeth Yetter

A great series for boys and girls, Fowl Language is the first Supernatural Rubber Chicken book. more...

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